[Updated]DeterminantAI - chatGPT powered NPCs that you can customize!

There is an ongoing outage in the endpoint, expect unstable service. The plugin is still under active development and a major update will be released later this week. Thank you for your support!


Hey Roblox Developers!

We’re excited to introduce a major upgrade to Determinant AI Plugin and SDK! This isn’t just a chatbot - it’s a comprehensive, customizable system for creating intelligent, dynamic NPCs that observe, decide, and act within your games.The entire SDK is built with developer customization in mind, allowing you to create unique AI behaviors suited to your game. We’re continuously working towards that goal.

What’s New?

  • Streamlined SDK: All scripts and configurations are now in a single folder for easier management.
  • Improved AI Prompts: Upgraded templates across all components ensure more immersive interactions and reliable action execution.
  • Robust Agent Management: Improved lifecycle handling of multiple agents and better integration with your game logic for multiplayer environments.
  • Advanced Environmental Awareness: The perception system now detects a wider range of data(character’s position, team, inventory, held tools, and other physical states.). NPCs intelligently access this contextual information only when needed, enabling to more natural interactions and engaging conversations.
  • Flexible Event System: The new event channel allows custom events(such as entering specific zones) to trigger complex NPC behaviors, supporting tailored dialogues, quests. It also optimizes multi-party interactions through batch processing and adaptive response rates.
  • Smarter Decision-Making: NPCs now handle multi-step actions and tool interactions, and respond to player and environment feedback, with ongoing improvements in reasoning and adaptive behavior.


Our SDK is released under the Apache License 2.0. Please remember to provide proper attribution when using it in your projects.(e.g. This game uses Determinant AI SDK for AI-powered NPCs)


We’re adopting a more open development strategy and welcome collaboration. If you’re interested in contributing or want to work with us, please join Discord or send us a direct message!

What’s Next?

  • Tutorials and Documentation: We’re working on comprehensive tutorials and documentation to help you customize the SDK. These resources will be available soon.

Want to contribute or collaborate? Send us a DM - we’d love to hear from you!

Happy developing!

Determinant AI Team


You can now talk to npc with a proximity prompt or when you are within a certain distance.


do you have to provide attribution if you are using the older version of the plugin? :l

You can do that when you upgrade to the new version.