Just redo your application and upload the new one. I’ve done that too.
Well, they did not read mine yet, so I don’t think I can do that??
Just submitted my UGC Application. Hopefully I get accepted.
It doesn’t matter, you can still resubmit at any time
I did, thanks for the information, have a good day
Thank you for the opportunity to apply for participation in UGC!
Here you can see my accessories! My UGC Accessories! (Feedback)
I sent an application on February 10th and I still haven’t got a reply back should I send another? Or keep waiting?
Should I keep updating my talent hub with my models?
Honestly, yeah because that’s what talent hub would be used for. But I recommend updating it once in a while.
I think wait. Many people wait a long time
Someone waited 6 months for their reply, so see you in a half year with your results
Been just about 8 months for me now, so keep in mind it could be longer.
yeahh, pretty sure they are taking alot of time because thEres alot of app, but i thin k there was no one that got declined yet
Yeah there’s people that have waited for 3 months and then got accepted.
Would anyone be able to reply with all the basic information I would need to have before applying? All the technical stuff. I want to make sure all my ducks are in a row before applying. I have one item with proof I made it, another that I forgot proof for. I can always make another if needed.
This is what I didn’t know when I first started doing UGC concepts or commissions :
- Limit is 4k triangles and there’s not vertices limits
- Make sure it’s scaled xyz to 1.0 in object mode on your modeling software before importing it to roblox studio, otherwise the accessory rbxm wouldn’t pass moderation ( This happened to one of my first commisions…)
- Textures are 1024/1024
- Check the face orientation and recalculate outside the Normals that appears red because it won’t show up in game
- Use the asset creator plugin, this is crucial for the application
I might have forgot some but this is what is the most important I think, hope it helped!
Thank you. How do i scale it to 1.0?
Select your model then you can modify these numbers and it will be right, it has to be in object mode :
In edit mode you can scale however you want, this is for Blender tho!
WAIT ONLY 4K!!! all my models have like 9k triangles
… although the 1024 texture size is nice. i always use 256/256
There is a way to import models with over 4k triangles. I’ve seen a Video on YouTube about it, maybe you should check it out