Updating Friends API & Deprecating IsOnline property from GetFriendsAsync

So is there still a way to check if there’s something Online or not? I think there’s some other functions but just wondering. As i think that it’s always important to clarify alternatives, especially since I haven’t touched that API or anything close to it for very long.


See below


Oh cool, I don’t think that was there before.


Can we please get a way to be online without showing anyone that we’re online? I get chronically annoyed by people and it’s getting hard to tell them to leave me alone.


yeah, something like the discord invisible status. that would be nice


I’d like to bump this topic in relation to friends limit going up.


HUGE hype for the increased friend limit - for the past 6 years, my friend count has always been hovering around the 200 limit and it’s infuriating having to treat my friends list like an actual contact list and remove people that I deem to be ‘unworthy’ in favor of friending someone new. Hopefully Roblox will explore into making the friend system more robust than it currently is & has been for over the past 9 years in addition to this change.

A long time ago, Roblox used to have this feature (alongside an unlimited friend limit)! Sometime around 2014/2015 though, it was removed in favor of the modern friend system that stands today.


Finally I can drop my alts :rofl:

I primarily used my “alts stand savers” to add more friends, now with the limit being at 1k they aren’t required anymore.


Well made update. I am looking forward for this!
A thousand friends I can’t imagine lol. Is there any way for servers to have higher capacities to even fit such high numbers after the 1000 friend limit? Such as DataStore request #s, service requesting, etc?


Awesome update, will the “IsOnline” show if the user is on studio or the website?


In light of friends updates, can we get custom status like discord to appear invisible or do not disturb.


Those used to exist before actually! But they got removed for some reason. Oh, I thought you meant like the status texts


Now that the hasVerifiedBadge property will be removed from the friend and following APIs responses, are there any plans or ways to massively check the verified status of many users? The closest I can think is using a users API that takes 200 user ids at once, but that has very strong rate limits.

It would be nice if a new web API is introduced specifically for things related to the verified/trusted user badge, or at least a new parameter for the already existing APIs that let us fetch more detailed data.

If a fix isn’t added this will cause issues and dramatically slow down one of my tools since it will have to make separate requests to check the verified statuses of friends and followings.

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Good update I guess, but who has more than 200 friends?


Unfortunately, this alternative only works if the player whose friends you are trying to check is currently connected to the server. GetFriendsAsync can be called on any valid Roblox user, while GetFriendsOnline can only be called on players connected to the current server. GetFriendsOnline also has a 30-second cache while GetFriendsAsync doesn’t document any cache.

While it does seem like a pretty niche case, sometimes rarely do I find myself implementing functionality for IsOnline for players not connected to the current server, particularly for suggesting friends-of-friends to add to a ‘squad’ or similar, as online players are more likely to be regularly active. Perhaps a new engine API could be added to check a user’s public presence status to cover this new gap in the API?


love these new updates keep it up!


Now remove blocked accounts limit and add a feature to block possible alt accounts


Will the default value of 200 for maxFriends for GetFriendsOnline stay the same?

Will we have to manually specify 1000 to get all online friends or will the default value change to 1000?


So we’re gonna be able to friend more people?
How many extra? 300? 400?

Looks like i missed it, its 1000


That would be awesome … a VIP friends feature !!
200 “friends” was already daunting … now it’s going to a 1000… how ever will you see your favourite friends online ?

I think it’s great to up the scale… as my granddaughter continually struggles to add new “friends”… having to delete some to add new ones.
I myself barely add any friends (24 … maybe 8 are fellow Devs).
But once my main game is done… that list will easily fill up from members.

The VIP feature could be VERY handful tbh.
If they can allow us to group our “friends” … that would be even better.
This way we can create a VIP friends list, a fellow DEVs friends list, that would be hidden amongst a mass amount of friends… from who knows where… (like facebook addons… not real friends).

I sure hope @Roblox would give that some attention too.
Even if its just saveable into 3 categories (1, 2 or 3 for EG).