Upgrades to Model Streaming

Model streaming mode persistant doesnt seem to work anymore

I agree. Something breaks every update unfortunately


I have tried this on my game and there seems to be a fairly high probability that some models are missing.
Apparently, I found that the probability of models failing to load in areas with a large number of parts is quite high.
Apparently they are more likely to occur in low end and mobile users.

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There are also issues about opportunistic streaming becoming very slow to stream in. I don’t know if it’s related to the new “improved” streaming behaviour but I’ve personally experienced this issue. LOD also reduces pologyens when we’re too close to the model.

We have seen two developer reports of occasionally some parts failing to load when using improved model streaming in certain situations. We are currently investigating this issue. We don’t believe this issue happens in most use cases. If you experience this issue we recommend not enabling improved model streaming until we have resolved the problem.

If you are encountering issues related to streaming that are independent of this new mode please do not report the issues in this thread and instead file a bug report if possible.


Waters are always streamed, is this normal? I was planning to make very large oceans but im wondering do streamed waters use serious amount of memory? Apart from memory, these waters are
all getting rendered in full graphics mode, maybe it wouldn’t affect low graphic players but would lag those who play at highest graphics for no reason.

I also realized they are not really “streamed” but like being displayed as “streaming mesh”. I believe it would be better if there could be an option implemented to turn Terrain’s streaming mesh off.


Terrain is streamed in and out as needed, based on distance from the character/replication focus.

It’s been quite difficult to migrate my pre-existing game to Improved. A common use case that I’ve implemented is playing custom animations for other characters on the client. To do so, I need to connect :CharacterAdded on the client for all Players, but the resulting Character object passed into it is nil. I need the Character model to DescendantAdded for Motor6Ds within the parts in the characters to edit their Transforms but I can’t use WaitForChild on the character model because there is no character model initially.

Instead I’d have to use :GetPropertyChangedSignal('Character'):Wait() to do so, which is clunky inside the CharacterAdded callback and could lead to memory leaks if said character never replicates.

Things like this are a barrier in me implementing this for my game.

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We have enabled a fix for these issues. Thanks to the developers who brought this to our attention. If possible please file bug reports for any new issues with improved model streaming that are encountered.


Cool update but that not the update we want…
We want a manual system that we can handle not an automatic one.Im making a MMORPG with a lot of npcs and the problem is they can move and it replicate to almost everyone even if they are far away.I want an API to stop replication for a instance a certain player and the same to start replication.

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Hi, I ran into this problem: To make it, I just degraded my internet (enabled different videos in the background and used mobile internet) and at the moment when I need to load me a road (I’m driving a car at 240 kilometers) then a pause is enabled, but it doesn’t load everything I need and I end up falling over the map, of course I can enable roads in the exceptions for streaming, but still I’ll leave this problem here.

Here’s a screenshot of my streaming settings

Video of the problem:

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Again, 1 more mistake (I don’t quite know if it’s a mistake, but I’ll leave it here)

When I use ModelStreamingBehavior: Legacy
I get very little loading of the map (Screenshots below).



When I use ModelStreamingBehavior: Improved,
the map loads the way I intended it to (Screenshots below)



I hope this is a bug, otherwise I want to use Legacy temporarily, but because of this problem I can’t


The Improved setting causes more lag than the Legacy setting when changing CFrames for many models on the server.

Legacy Setting Performance:

Improved Setting Performance:

I’ve noticed an odd behavior that seems more complex than a simple performance issue.
Once you switch to the Improved setting and run it, the performance remains low even if you switch back to Default or Legacy .
The performance only returns to normal after switching to Default or Legacy and restarting the studio.

Placing each part in folders instead of models and rotating them results in performance comparable to the Legacy setting.

  • Repro

If you are experiencing exceptional lag specifically in the studio, try switching to the Legacy setting. This solution may be specific to my experience, but it could help.


I was unable to reproduce this behavior in Studio. I get similar frame rates/lag with improved or legacy behavior. Which job are you seeing the long processing times in the microprofiler? It is covered up in the screenshot you shared.

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