Upload Custom Materials in the New Material Service Beta

The switch will be under developer control, you can toggle between old/new materials. You will be able to make new games with classic materials. You can also make old games to use new materials.


This is odd, is this still happening? If yes, do you have a repro case? Also have you tried publishing the place before uploading?


Wonder if you are still having issue with this? I just tried publishing, restart Studio and reopen the place, this seems to work just fine.


Do you guys know when the terrain and part materials are gonna get released to the public again?


The motto of being physics engine and blocky character

When roblox expands, doesnt mean it loses its motto, it just gives more choice for players and their interest, if you like blocky, roblox isnt going to delete that, it just expands to something that everyone can like


Iā€™ve tried to test them a bit more and found that they just do not show up after you open studio in team create places. However if you try to reopen the team create place a second time and shut down the team create feature then they will indeed get deleted.

Also, Will the Material Service allow you in the future to add new/custom material types rather than only just replacing already existing types?

I think they are planning to do that.


Thatā€™s not a motto. Thatā€™s a style thatā€™s connected to Robloxā€™s roots, which Roblox is trying to move away from. Please do more research before saying things like this.

Also what world do you live in where a physics engine can become a company motto?


Why is it that 4k materials donā€™t work? Iā€™m forced to download 2k resolutions.

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Because Roblox doesnā€™t support 4k textures.

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you can use 4k rosulution but it theb gets compressed to a resolution of 1024*1024

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Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Thank you and the team for listening to the feedback and making these changes so that everyone can continue to make the games they want to. I appreciate this more than I can really express.


OH MY GOD NEW WATER YEAHHHH. by the way, youā€™re work is dope :+1:

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Both work but both will get compressed to 1K

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I couldnā€™t agree with @BravenwolfTFS anymore when I say how great this is. This just rekindled my excitement level.


Thanks a ton! Thatā€™s really helpful!

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Here all texture Textures ā€¢ Poly Haven
Is best

Could you possibly also add an option to make it inside of surfaceappearances and also to be able to change the brightness, specular and roughness seperately like what we had in the special studio version, i dont want to ask too much but it would be amazing to get features so that people with less experience could also figure it out.