Upload Custom Materials in the New Material Service Beta

This is just fabulous :star_struck:! Am really looking forward to this!

Is it just me? Or the material service instances do not save whenever you restart studio.

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It’s probably not suppose too, just save them yourself you can select all of your MaterialVarient and Right click Press Save to Roblox, then you can upload them easy

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Yeah been doing that ever since the second time they did not save on studio.

Hey! This is great news, but, to clarify, what happens to the materials in the old developer preview? Being able to set object materials to things like snow would be great, as you could alter the texture to what you’d prefer, and use Enum.Material.Snow directly - this would allow for much easier distinction between what’s snow and sand.

Well, they’ve heard and the reaction is madness

Roblox Architects is also celebrating, but they’re mainly celebrating about the unified mesh importer

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I mean, we could always add textures to things but ig its kinda nice to not have to paste it for every part

I can wait i want i love it this textur

They mentioned that the generic materials will be getting the upgrade to the old previews (modifications to some were mentioned, thank god). You’ll be able to choose between legacy and upgraded.

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This got to be one of the best updates the engine has received in a while! Thanks for making it happen. I am excited to share my projects with the community.

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This feature is really useful my game would look more realistic.

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Absolutely love this Roblox! Thanks for making our platform more versatile!

:smiley: :heart:

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I see. I got another question, do you plan on letting the developers add more materials themself in the future, for example Grass1, Grass2 and Stone, CrackedStone without overriding existing ones so there are a ton of variants we can use to make our experiences more immersive?
(You might be wondering why would I need two grass types, that is because one could have a different shade than the other one)


This looks great! Also, will there be a feature to change how light reacts to the materials as well? It has always bugged me how surfaces are so reflective to light and it would be useful to change this.


Really happy to see how ROBLOX is improving itself ! :slight_smile:


@JoshSedai I have a request.

Can Roblox add the ability to save our own texture presets that we can use switch on/off at any time? I’d love to have a realistic and stylized texture pack without having to load the texture manually for each experience.


This is honestly a banger update. Amazing idea and it’s done pretty well.


Doesn’t the terrain already use PBR? I’m pretty sure it does. Unless you mean custom PBR terrain materials.

That is what a Roughness and Metallic Map does. Also Specular Maps exist but aren’t part of Roblox’s material work flow.

Great Scott!! This AND the new Particle Flipbook Textures(coming soon maybe idk) will aid me in making gam-AHem “experiences” that look like they were made by a AAA game studio. :+1:

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