Uploaded images have slight white border[Fixed with a trick]

So lately I hired a UI artist to sketch out some UI for my upcoming game “Strike Force!”, while uploading at the pictures I noticed they had small white streaks on the border of the pictures. Little help :frowning:

Look at the right side of the blue box: image

x2000 view of the blue box in windows images


  • open up studio
  • create an image label
  • set it’s properties to all transparent except the image itself.
  • upload image given through studio button “Add Image”

File: DarkBlueBox

This is usually caused by weird transparency stuff in the background.

Here’s a good example of this with some of my earlier uploads. I erased the background instead of setting the pixel transparencies to 0. When you stretch the image it averages pixels together to smoothen it a lot, and you get stuff like artifacts around the edges.


Here’s what it looked like properly fixed:



Boxes sliced, fixed but I would still look into fixing(studio devs) gets pretty annoying going to have to resize the entire UI for this to work… image

They’ll be stretched (averaging pixel colors) as long as the display resolution isn’t the native image resolution you’ll get the artifacts. Only way to fix it is to fix those transparency pixels/missing pixels in photoshop or something.

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