I understand this isn’t the right category, but I can’t post in the bug reports category for some reason.
The Issue:
When uploading audio loops in the .ogg format to roblox through studio or the website, studio will add unwanted silence to the end (or beginning I can’t tell yet) of the audio file. This creates a break in the would be perfect loop.
What I’ve noticed:
This is an issue that has only recently come up. I had previously uploaded another loop a couple of days ago that worked just fine, but upon re-uploading for testing, the very same audio file had added silence.
| The working audio ID that was uploaded before the bug:
The reuploaded audio (same file on my machine) ID:
I have also had a friend of mine try uploading an audio file that loops, and they also encountered this issue.
I suspect something changed with how Roblox uploads their audio files and was wondering if you guys had any thoughts or input on this.
There is a question about the audio. If you can open Audacity, can you review the end section of the audio and see that it doesn’t leave some kind of silence?
Maybe roblox is somehow misidentifying/converting the audio upon uploading? And in turning it into in mp3 we are getting the added silence that mp3s come with.
Okay, I just checked without having to download it, it is indeed an .ogg you’re holding there. While that’s a concern, I have to check if there were any other audios affected by the same issue or not.