URL Image Loader

That’s completely on the consumer not the creator.


Not how it works. You are both ways publishing a resource that violates ToS.
This resource is created to load images externally without using Roblox’s tools, you are violating ToS even if it’s for good or not. “Should” does not mean they can.

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This resource was created for use, and in its original form only works within studio only which is not against TOS. If some person wants to modify this resource to work in game or violate TOS some other way, that’s on them.

You can’t punish people for what other people do with their creations…

Bryan, that’s incorrect, I managed to run this in Glitch (it’s a VPS)

@MeTooIDK why are the images rendered weirdly


Recently made something similar to this, but I don’t intend on open sourcing it because as multiple people have said prior, it can and most likely will be used to bypass moderation. Also in the case of making requests to an API, converting the color information from the pixels to Lua is very easy and making calls to an external API seems a bit redundant. You could make static files that export the information similar to how something like a web framework works where there would be a static folder named assets or something of the sort. Makes gathering information a lot simpler and wouldn’t have to go through extra hurdles with HttpService.

You can’t punish people for what other people do with their creations…

What about exploiters?

Expoliter can only do it in clientside.

Use surfaceGui Version. find it in this post

The issue is that the size is locked


Edit the backend code by yourself :hugs:


Those using the exploit will be the ones who get in trouble, same in this situation, people who use this resource will and should be held to the terms of service… However, the creator of it did not do anything wrong…

But expoliter can only do thing on client side. they was not able to change image data on server

I am saying the creator of the resource is not responsible for how others use it, you took the analogy too literally.

took me a million years to respond, but if it’s completely on the consumer, does that mean that when someone makes a sexual model, they don’t get banned, instead, that person who puts the sexual model in their game gets banned?

Also this shouldn’t exist as it can be maliciously used to bypass the image moderation, and if you say “CoMpLeTeLy oN ThE CoNsUmEr nOt oN ThE CrEaToR”, then you are literally saying something like someone who inserts the sexual model in their game gets banned, not the one who made the model, This needs to be deleted as it falls under “Misuse of Roblox Systems” and can be maliciously used to bypass the moderation