Anyone got the stuff working?
You can access secrets by doing process.env.yourenvkeyname
Correct. It’s useless to have a json if you are storing secrets.
Well, did it work? I’m curious
i’ve never used replit, thats just what i heard
Ah, you should. It’s really cool
the only thing is, they can fork my repl, maybe ill use it one day for some proxy but im pretty sure ill suck at other programming languages
thus they dont allow 24/7 hosting unless you pay them
Nope. They cannot find it unless they Google the exact URL in the search bar up, it will not be searchable like glitch, and your cookie will be hidden in the .env
Use uptimerobot, you’ll get 24/7 hosting with replit.
okay, sure i can get 24/7 hosting and its difficult to fork repl’s, however i suck at other languages ( dont get me started at java)
No, everything is listed here, and it’s JavaScript.
Just use the free resources I’ve programmed
I’m working on ranking sticks, I tried them and they work fine. So I will make them downloadable in this post.
A Major Upgrade
Free Modules
We’ve included free modules that allow you to simply copy and paste our completed scripts.
Major Bug Patch
The biggest bugs have been fixed, and we’ve thoroughly tested every feature, so it’s now completely functional.
Please feel free to use it for your services, groups, and other purposes. Credits are not mandatory, but they are greatly appreciated.
NEW MODULE: Promote Command (upper a users grouprank)
Unfortunately, ROBLOX has an issue that invalidates cookies, read more at IP Changes Invalidate Cookie
Should I make a API for Ranking? (as replit is broken, I’ll pay for a VPS)
- Yeah
- No
0 voters
Then it’s like you just skipping the online web part.
Please do lol, im terrible at javascript and NODE lol. (I’m gonna try myself since im bored)