UserOwnsGamePassAsync and In-Game Purchasing Support Question


I’m currently scripting in the benefits that players will receive if they own a gamepass, and I ran into a question that will dictate how I go about ensuring that players receive their benefits.

My question is that by checking if the player has a pass with ‘UserOwnsGamePassAsync’, will it tell me if they own it even if the player has bought the gamepass in-game? I know the original ‘PlayerHasPass’ required players to rejoin in order to detect if they owned a gamepass if it was already bought in-game.




That was the goal with ‘UserOwnsGamePassAsync’.
I recommend reading What’s the difference between UserOwnsGamePassAsync and PlayerHasPass? for more information regarding the differences.

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Not entirely. Yes that’s what it’s use case amounts to, but that’s not what it’s goal was. Game passes were changed to be their own kind of entity and with the changes to game passes, they also took to updating the API.

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