Using Datastore and OrderedDataStore?

Hello, I have come here in search of an answer. I have been using my own external Database to store Leaderboard data as I’ve always experienced Data limits in Roblox.

I was wondering if I would experience Data Limits if I was to save 4 OrderedDataStores and 1 DataStore table for each player? My main concern is that when the server is shutdown data may be lost? Saving 1 Datastore as a Table works fine but I think adding those 4 OrderedDataStores could cause an issue.

This is my only other Solution to saving a Leaderboard as my External Datastore doesn’t store Numbers bigger than 9,223,000,000,000,000,000.

Could you please reply with your experiences in saving a Multiple OrderedDataStores and a Datastore at the same time or any ideas on how to make this work efficiently?

Request Type Methods Requests per Minute
Get Requests GetAsync() 60 + numPlayers × 10
Write Requests (limit is shared among all listed methods) SetAsync(), IncrementAsync(), UpdateAsync(), or RemoveAsync() 60 + numPlayers × 10
Get Sorted GetSortedAsync() 5 + numPlayers × 2
Request Type Methods Cooldown
Write Requests (same key) Repeated SetAsync(), IncrementAsync(), UpdateAsync(), or RemoveAsync() 6 seconds between write requests

atm I`m experimenting with DataStore2

I guess it won’t be too bad then. I use to use Datastore2 but I’ve decided to go down my own path recently and honestly, I feel like it’s much more secure and I don’t know why? I came across a lot of issues using Datastore2.

At the minute I am just using a bunch of shared tables. For example

shared.Inventory = {}
shared.TwitterCodes = {}

then once the player leaves, the script will put all of those tables into 1 table and then save that table. I believe this is also what Datastore2 is doing but it is much more complex.

I have no issue doing it this way, my main concern is that you can’t save tables to an OrderedDataStore meaning I will need to call :SetAsync() 5 Times when a player leaves the game…

Ofcourse I could just save the leaderboards in game every 60 seconds and only save the MainTable when they leave the game? That way it won’t be attempting to save all 5 at once.