Using HTTPService to get a random word from google

hmm yes i forgot about that parts. Thanks for giving me a base to work on!

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also thanks for the script for less complex words!! it gonna help cuz I wanna make a small game off it

well welcome then doe it kinda still gives complex words but not that complex words

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ik, it’s gonna be some challenge lol

yes it is probably need to detect if the words starts or includes or ends with a specific letter

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Similar to what you’re trying to achieve.

I found a list of “friendly” words which should prove useful to you, here’s the script I wrote.

local http = game:GetService("HttpService")

local randomObject =

local url = ""
local wordTable = {}

local function sendHttpRequest()
	local success, result = pcall(function()
		return http:GetAsync(url)
	if success then
		if result then
			for word in result:gmatch("%a+") do
				table.insert(wordTable, word)

local function getRandomWord()
	local randomInt = randomObject:NextInteger(1, #wordTable)
	return wordTable[randomInt]

It’d be better to just issue the HTTP request once, collect a set of words in a table value and then get random words from this table when necessary instead of issuing a HTTP request each time a new random word is needed. Here’s a sample of 20 randomly generated words.


wow I didnt knew that you can also use github! thanks I will surely look on to using your code

I completely agree, what if you sent a http request and the players finished it quickly, you will need to quickly get another word instead of trying to respect the ratelimits

to be honest i think my and geometricalC2123’s code is a bit better

Not really, you need to wrap the HTTP request inside a pcall otherwise if the HTTP request drops (fails) the script will error resulting in its premature termination.

sorry what? i kinda get it but also dont get it

yea i know that

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url = ""
local response = HttpService:GetAsync(url)
local decoded = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)

local function GenerateWord(C,len)
	local totalwords = {}
	local gottenwords = 0
	for i,v in pairs(decoded) do
		local w = decoded[math.random(1,#decoded)]
		if string.len(w) <= C then
			gottenwords += 1
		if gottenwords == len then
	return totalwords

local Words = {}

function Words:GenWords(Complexity,Length)
return GenerateWord(Complexity,Length)

return Words

so I made it a bit better

As I said before, filter it with Roblox

Yes i do remember that haha dont worry about that