local AllDucks = Ducks['Tier ' .. GiftStats[Item].Tier]:GetChildren() -- Gets the 5 items they can win
local WonItem = AllDucks[math.random(1, #AllDucks)] -- Picks the random one
However, each item has it’s own percentage of getting said item.
Common - Percentage = 75
Uncommon - Percentage = 60
Rare - Percentage = 30
Epic - Percentage = 25
Legendary - Percentage = 10
I know they don’t add up to 100. The idea is that all 5 numbers would add up (200) and then the percentages would kinda work from there, so Common would be 75/200 (easier than just doing 37.5/100)
So how can I accomodate these percentages into a math.random?
Basically what I want is instead of doing math.random(1, ya da ya da), as that will just get the 5 items and they all have a 20% change of getting picked. I want it so each item has a set percentage.
So Common would have a 75/200 chance, Uncommon a 60/200 chance, etc. etc.
Here, I used this before when I was making a pet system. I hope it helps!
(I’ll make a table just for an example)
local Pets = {
rarities = {0.6,0.4};
pets = {
local totalweight = 0
for _,v in ipairs(Pets.rarities) do
totalweight = totalweight + v
local at = math.random() * totalweight
for i,v in pairs(Pets.rarities) do
if at < v then
print(Pets.pets[i] .. " has been chosen!")
at = at - v