UV Texturing Issues on "Crank and Zap Mech" Bundle

Issue Description

The “Crank and Zap Mech” bundle has UV texturing issues where certain parts of the body display misaligned colors that do not match the intended design. This results in an inconsistent and unpolished appearance, negatively affecting the aesthetic quality of the item.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Equip the “Crank and Zap Mech” bundle from the Avatar Editor.
  2. View the avatar in 3D within the editor or in-game.
  3. Observe areas where the textures appear misaligned or incorrectly mapped, causing color inconsistencies.

Expected Behavior

The texture mapping should be properly aligned so that all parts of the bundle match the intended color scheme and design. There should be no visible texture misalignment or color mismatches.

Visual Aids:

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This is an acknowledgement message. Thank you for the report. We have assigned to our team for further review.


Hey @starhiker13,

It seems that this bug report was closed. Are there any specific reasons as to why it was? It doesn’t sound like an “intentional design behavior”…

(Pinging @Klaugrana001 to confirm if this is intentional)

Was it made over 6 months ago?

It’s not intentional, but this does fall under the 6 month umbrella. Agree that it can be better though.


I thought that 6 months old umbrella was only applied for accessories and faces, but I suppose bundles were added to the list too… It’s okay though!

Are there any possibilities to file another bug report regarding this once the high priorities are resolved?

It applies to Catalog items, which includes Bundles.

Yes, you can file a bug report again when we go through the higher priority ones. I cannot promise we’ll fix this particular one, but we’ll definitely look at it again.


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