[V1.3] Magic Wand Selection Tool

I am in awe at how simple this is for you to explain and produce. This will be amazing for large, complex builds and such. I thank you very much for this.


The amount of complexity that goes into this is sure to be unappreciated! Mad respect for doing this!


TYSM, this is gonna be super super useful.


really good, an idea if you ever add to it would be an option to only select parts touching on a specific model


You mean appreciated, right?

Besides that, I can see this speeding up work flow. Thank you for the contribution. I’ll test it out later today.


Really nice, I am using it right away!


Updated this plugin with two new features:

  • a whitelist button where you can specify if you want to only select parts under a specific instance, select an instance and hit the SET button, to remove a whitelist click it again or select nothing

  • the ability to extend the collision check size to include parts that are nearby but not touching or intersecting


This plugin lags my studio super hard - even when it’s only installed and not in use.

When installed and not in use it shouldn’t be doing anything, you can read the source

Thanks, this will be awesome to use!

Can you add option to select parts that have same names?
I’ll see it as very helpful.


Sure, just added that feature now

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Holy… Not gonna lie, I need this so much! Thank you very much for this great plugin/tool. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I took a cursory look at the source code, and while I have no knowledge of plugins I suspect the issue lies on line 120 of the plugin script, where you call the Plugin:SetSetting method on Camera.Changed. Every time I move the camera with your plugin installed (not enabled) I get huge spikes in my microprofiler. Deleting the camera seems to solve the issue, so while I don’t have the time to repackage your plugin and test my hypothesis, I’m pretty confident it’s this.

Here’s a link with an example of the microprofiler spikes, and them disappearing upon deletion of the camera: https://streamable.com/n8mi97

I really like the look of this! Definitely will be having a look at it.

Yeah I figured, I had to do this to get when the viewport size changed. For whatever reason, GetPropertyChangedSignal on viewport size wasn’t working in studio(for either plugin mouse or camera)

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Sorry for the bump, but couldnt you use :GetPropertyChangedSignal on the AbsoluteSize property of any ScreenGui in CoreGUI or StarterGUI. I would install this plugin though the whole camera update drops my FPS to around 15 making it hard to build with this plugin installed. I think this fix would work since the AbsoluteSize of a ScreenGUI only changes when the viewport is resized. I guess you could consider this hacky, but I would prefer a slightly hacky fix than 15 fps on camera movement.

I just tested this and deleting lines 282 to 288 and replacing it with:


seems to replicate the exact same behavior but without the camera lag.


I love plugins like this that speed up entire workflows massively. This will replace Part Picker probably 75% of the time.

Small bug, the plugin blocks input everywhere on the screen except when you’re hovering over the panel, making it really easy to select and even drag workspace models in the background without noticing.

Additional small feature request would be an option to disable range checking (inputting large numbers is very computationally heavy), making the functionality much similar to the Part Picker plugin. Would work well with the Whitelist.

I completely forgot to make this change D:
Just updated it with this fix

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Late, but the reason I didn’t do this is that part picker does that better. It felt redundant to add it to this plugin which is supposed to serve a different purpose, I’d end up cluttering it with stuff most people would just use part picker for

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