The rblx library is meant for easy interactions with the Roblox Open Cloud & Web APIs. Currently, this includes all of the Open Cloud Assets API functions, Open Cloud Datastore API functions, Open Cloud OrderedDatastore API functions, Open Cloud Place Management API functions, Open Cloud MessagingService API functions, and almost all Web API functions.
Installation + Setup
Step 1
- Install via npm:
npm install rblx
(includes type declarations)
Step 2 (optional, but more secure)
Create a new file* in the root of your project called .env
with the following content:
+ your Open Cloud API key
+ your bot account’s (do NOT use your own) .ROBLOXSECURITY
token (cookie value)
*Don’t forget to add this .env file to your .gitignore!
Open Cloud
OpenCloudAssetManager {Class}
new OpenCloudAssetManager(id: number)
Creates a new OpenCloudUniverse object
OpenCloudAssetManager.authenticate(apikey: string)
Pass the API key through this function, or use the npm dotenv package and process.env.RBXTKN
from above
OpenCloudAssetManager.createAsset(assetType: Util.AssetType, filePath: string, name: string, desc: string)
Create a new asset
OpenCloudAssetManager.getOperation(id: string)
Get operation data related to an asset uplooad
OpenCloudAssetManager.updateAsset(assetId: number, filePath: string)
Update an asset (currently locked to only Models on Roblox’s end)
OpenCloudUniverse {Class}
new OpenCloudUniverse(id: number)
Creates a new OpenCloudUniverse object
OpenCloudUniverse.authenticate(apikey: string)
Pass the API key through this function, or use the npm dotenv package and process.env.RBXTKN
from above
OpenCloudUniverse.getDatastores(limit?: number, prefix?: string, cursor?: string)
Return an object containing the previous page cursor, next page cursor, and datastore objects.
OpenCloudUniverse.getOrderedDatastore(name: string, scope: string)
Return an OrderedDataStore.
OpenCloudUniverse.save(placeId: number, pathToFile: string)
Save the rblx
file located at pathToFile
to Roblox, therefore not publishing.
OpenCloudUniverse.publish(placeId: number, pathToFile: string)
Publish the rblx
file located at pathToFile
to Roblox, therefore also saving to Roblox.
OpenCloudUniverse.publishToTopic(topic: string, data: any)
Publish some data to a MessagingService topic (this only works in Live Servers as of 7/8/22)
OpenCloudDataStore {Class}
new OpenCloudDataStore(uid: number, name: string, scope: string = "global")
Creates a new OpenCloudDataStore class - THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE CALLED MANUALLY
OpenCloudDataStore.authenticate(apikey: string)
Authenticate the OpenCloudDataStore with your API key
OpenCloudDataStore.listKeys(limit?: number | LimitOptions, allScopes?: boolean, prefix?: string, cursor?: string)
IF LIMIT IS NUMBER: Return an object containing the previous page cursor, next page cursor, and keys on the current page
IF LIMIT IS LIMITOPTIONS: Return an object with the number of keys specified
is used if you want to receive the number of keys you made as the limit. The intended functionality of Roblox’s limit parameter does not guarantee you will receive as many keys as you have requested, but using LimitOptions instead of a number value will do so.
follows this schema:
limit: number,
useV2Limit: boolean // true to get all keys specified
OpenCloudDataStore.get(key: string)
Get the value of a key
OpenCloudDataStore.set(key: string, value: any = null, exclusiveCreate?: boolean, matchVersion?: string)
Set/update the value of a key
NOTE: You cannot use exclusiveCreate
and matchVersion
in the same request!
OpenCloudDataStore.increment(key: string, incrementBy: number = 1)
Increment a value by incrementBy
OpenCloudDataStore.delete(key: string)
Delete a key from the OpenCloudDataStore
OpenCloudDataStore.listVersions(key: string, limit: number = 1, sortOrder: 'Ascending'|'Descending' = 'Ascending', cursor?: string, startTime?: string, endTime?: string)
List all versions of a key (with versionIds for get
Note: startTime
and endTime
must be ISO dates in UTC time!
OpenCloudDataStore.getVersion(key: string, versionId: string)
Get the value of key
at version versionId
OpenCloudOrderedDataStore {Class}
new OpenCloudOrderedDataStore(uid: number, name: string, scope: string = "global")
Creates a new OpenCloudOrderedDataStore class - THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE CALLED MANUALLY
OpenCloudOrderedDataStore.authenticate(apikey: string)
Authenticate the OpenCloudOrderedDataStore with your API key
OpenCloudOrderedDataStore.listEntries(maxPageSize: number, cursor: string, order: OrderType, filter: string)
List all entries in an OpenCloudOrderedDataStore
OpenCloudOrderedDataStore.createEntry(id: string, value: number)
Create a new entry in an OpenCloudOrderedDataStore
OpenCloudOrderedDataStore.getEntry(id: string)
Get an entry from an OpenCloudOrderedDataStore
OpenCloudOrderedDataStore.deleteEntry(id: string)
Delete a new entry from an OpenCloudOrderedDataStore
OpenCloudOrderedDataStore.updateEntry(id: string, value: number, allowMissing: boolean = true)
Update an entry in an OpenCloudOrderedDataStore
OpenCloudOrderedDataStore.incrementEntry(id: string, amount: number)
Increment an entry in an OpenCloudOrderedDataStore by a certain amount
Client {Class}
new Client()
Creates a new Client class
Client.login(token: string)
Authenticate the Client with your .ROBLOSECURITY token (recommended: store in .env file)
Client.acceptRequest(userId: number)
Accept a friend request from userId
Client.acceptTrade(tradeId: number)
Accept a trade of id tradeId
Client.addFriend(userId: number)
Send a friend request to userId
Client.block(userId: number)
Client.canTradeWith(userId: number)
See if you can trade with userId
Client.claimOwnership(groupId: number)
Claim ownership of group groupId
Client.counterTrade(tradeId: number, offers: TradeOffer[])
Counter a trade of id tradeId
with your offers
Decline all friend requests
Client.declineRequest(userId: number)
Decline a friend request from a single user of id userId
Client.declineTrade(tradeId: number)
Decline trade of id tradeId
Get your account’s birthdate
Get your account’s (xbox) consecutive login days
Get your account’s description
Get your account’s display name
Get your account’s friend count
Get your account’s friend requests
Get your account’s number of friend requests
Get your account’s gender
Get your account’s locale (language)
Get your account’s phone number (if applicable)
Get your account’s social links (if applicable)
Get your account’s status
Client.getTrade(tradeId: number)
Get a trade with id tradeId
Client.getTrades(tradeStatusType: TradeStatus = TradeStatus.Inbound)
Get your account’s trades
Client.getTradesCount(tradeStatusType: TradeStatus = TradeStatus.Inbound)
Get your account’s trades count
Get your account’s user id
Get your account’s username
Client.isFollowing(userId: number)
Check if you are following userId
Client.removeFriend(userId: number)
Remove friend with id userId
Remove your primary group
Client.sendTrade(offers: TradeOffer[])
Send trades (specify who in the form of an id in the offers
parameter’s options)
Client.setBirthdate(birthdate: Birthdate)
Set your account’s birthdate
Client.setDescription(description: string)
Set your account’s description
Client.setDisplayName(displayName: string)
Set your account’s display name
Client.setGender(gender: Gender)
Set your account’s gender
Client.setPrimaryGroup(groupId: number)
Set your account’s primary group to the group of id groupId
Client.setPromotionChannels(tbl: { [key: string]: string }, privacy: PromotionChannelPrivacy)
Set your account’s social links
Client.setStatus(status: string)
Set your account’s status
Client.unblock(userId: number)
Unblock the user of id userId
Example Usage
// Open Cloud
const { OpenCloudUniverse } = require('rblx');
let uni = new OpenCloudUniverse(0000);
let dstore = (await uni.getDatastores(1)).datastores[0];
let newKey = await dstore.set('newkey', 100);
await dstore.increment('newkey', 50);
let newValue = await dstore.get('newkey');
console.log(newValue); // 150
// Web API
const { Client } = require('rblx')
let bot = new Client();
.then(async () => {
let status = await bot.getStatus();
let newStatus = status.replace('day 1', 'day 2');
await bot.setStatus(newStatus);
- GitHub Repository (this is still me): GitHub - RyloRiz/rblx: A Roblox promise-based library for NodeJS
- NPM (surprised the name
was available): rblx - npm
Thanks for reading! If you have any suggestions or bug reports, please file an issue on GitHub and I’ll get back to you ASAP!