[v2.1.0] MatchmakingService - ON HOLD

edit: this is attempting to set ratings after the game ends
Using the EXACT provided example code, no matter how many times I clear memorystore or try again, I get this:

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I got matchmaking to work (kind of) but I can only join the queue once. After playing one match it is impossible to join the queue, the player count doesn’t even go up.

Yeah there are a multitude of bugs with this service, which is why it’s in beta. Unfortunately (for this service) at the moment I’m in the middle of developing a game with a studio which is taking up most of my time. I will work on this as soon as I can though.


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Please read the title. It says beta. I understand that you’re upset, however it quite literally is not my fault if you didn’t read the post or lacked the comprehension to understand it.

In case anyone in the future sees this, here is the software definition of “beta”

Beta software is a pre-release version of the final application, it may be unstable or lack features that will be be included in the final release. Therefore, beta software often comes with a disclaimer that testers should use the software at their own risk. If you choose to beta test a program, be aware that it may not function as expected.

This service is in its infancy and has no guarantees of working. All I am saying is that I release updates and fix bug. As for everything you said was completely unhelpful to everyone else here, you didn’t say what doesn’t work other than the player profile wait time exceeded which I already said I was working on fixing.


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You’re being quite hostile. Unfortunately you’re no longer worth conversing with and I hope that you find a better way to vent your frustrations. I didn’t “proudly” release this module. I didn’t even release it. Betas are pre-releases. This beta is just that, a beta. I do not recommend using this module in production. You should never use a beta module in production. Regardless, if you calm down and come back to me in like an hour or two, I will look into your issues.


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I said I’m proud of how far it’s come along, not that “I’m proud I’ve released matchmaking service, use this in all of your games” I would be lying if I said I wasn’t proud of my work, even if it doesn’t work under all conditions. Being proud of ones work has nothing to do with being proud of the full release of a module.

2 days ago I even said big issues were brought to my attention.

Did I force you to use this module? I don’t think I did. Blaming your game for tanking because of a beta module honestly feels like an easy escape. Using a beta module in production is no one’s fault but the user. I will fix bugs and issues, but that takes time. In the meantime feel free to just not use my module, you don’t need to, nor do I expect you to. However, what I should be able to expect is some decency, which you have been unable to provide.

Regardless, I do wish you luck with your game and I do hope that eventually you figure out your problems and I hope that this experience lets you be aware of the expectations of using a beta module in the future.

And to everyone else reading this silently: I strongly do not recommend using any beta module, ever, mine, or otherwise, in any production level service or game. It simply is not a good idea. This goes for any development, not just roblox. I have more than 10 years of development experience and I have used beta libraries in my production level services in the past and it didn’t go well. Don’t make this easy to avoid mistake.


Well, who tells you to use something that you are not forced to use. It could work or there could be bugs. Either way, you don’t need to be Hostile. You can post things that have bugs on the devforum. Does not have to be perfect on the devforum. Why are you also saying so bad things that are not allowed on Roblox just because of a bug. It’s not his fault. Either it’s a bug in the code or something else is breaking the code. You don’t have to be so hostile. You can revert versions. No one ever told you to use this.

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I published the update, advertised it, and released it to my discord server. Reverting the version would be detrimental.

My game is still doing very well despite your module ruining a new feature that was added so I wasn’t using your module as an escape. I also came up with an alternative in under half an hour.

That’s great to hear, now please stop replying to this topic with your hostile messages.


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The fact that you’re talking to me about not testing it with more than 2 people makes me question why you posted, advertised and released it without testing yourself? I dont have the resources to test with more than 3 clients so I physically cannot. Again there’s a reason this is a beta. I’m not your QA manager. You should have a group of users test your game before releasing, it’s a part of the game development lifecycle


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I have people telling me it works for them and have been in discord with people working out the issues with them. You could’ve done the same, but you didn’t you came here and started being hostile. If you handled it like an adult I would’ve given you personalized assistance for free. You didn’t even tell me what your issues were other than the “Unable to get player profile” one, which I already stated I was working on a fix for, but profiles are managed by profileservice, which is not my module. Most of my updates came from me being in discord with people and fixing bugs with them and they were nice about it. Instead you acted like a child. I’m not your dad, I don’t tell you what modules to use or how to use them. I don’t tell you to use betas in your full release games.


You get this for free! :man_facepalming:

And the module is still in BETA, you should expect bugs

People spend their time to create assets to help others improve their game, you could at least report that as an issue… But coming and just starting to say how your game got ruined from a module that is FREE…

The creator owns you nothing… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

… I just don’t know what to think about this community anymore


Can I just table.insert() a players id into the party table to add them? I didn’t see a specific function.

Yeah so when you use QueueParty(players, ratingType) it expects a table of player instances and a rating type. If you want to use id’s you can use QueuePartyId(players, ratingType) which is the same as the aforementioned method just with a table of user ids instead of player instances. The id methods are touched on in the main post, but I didn’t expand on them:

You can get a player’s party (for team purposes in a game) like so:

local MatchmakingService = require(7567983240).GetSingleton()
local party = MatchmakingService:GetPlayerParty(player)
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I see you can get a players party but, how would I go about making one if the value is nil?

Ah, I see are you trying to make a party without queuing them? If so, this service doesn’t handle the formation of parties, but only them being queued and guaranteed to get into the same game. I would suggest using a format like this: {{userid,userid,userid}, {userid,userid, ...}} where there is a table of tables essentially (you can also use a dictionary and store the leader’s id to the other player’s ids if you want) and then just pass that into QueueParty when you want to actually put them into the queue. If that’s not what you mean perhaps send me a private message so you can give me more details.


This module seems to be really amazing! I’d use it but my game’s supposed to be released to the public again soon, so i’d rather not right now. I’ll keep this module on my radar so when it’s out of beta, I can update my modules to this one!


Hey everyone, I just released 3.2.0-beta with small changes and fixes that should help with the errors like “Request failed.” I am still working on my caching module and implementing that so it is not being used yet and is not final.

Version 3.2.0-beta
Changes (breaking):

  • None

Changes (non-breaking):

  • [Change] Switched to task.spawn over coroutine.wrap #2


  • [Fix] Added retries to getting things from memory (After note: I might also add a sort of rate limit in the future). This should better prevent “Request failed” errors. Cache module still in the works
  • [Fix] Profiles will now be force loaded meaning “Unable to get player profile: Wait time exceeded” errors should be less frequent.

If you still experience any issues please let me know!


Question, why did you switch from task.spawn() to coroutine.wrap() ? Also, when should this module be done? I’m interested in using it myself but too afraid it would mess up the feature.