[v2.1.0] MatchmakingService - ON HOLD

Suggestion :
I know it will change a lot of your current code but for the v3 a great thing would be a way to control the queue and pools.
I will take the example of Dead By Daylight :
In dead by daylight you have 2 teams : killer and survivors and you choose before the game start in which team you want to be in and then the matchmaking create game with 1 killer and 4 survivor…
A way to control player « role »would be really cool…
(Sorry for my English if you need better explanation just ask me)

I’ll see what I can do, that does add a lot of complications.

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Yeah i do understand but it will open this module to a larger community I think…
I think should add extra parameter on QueuePlayer and QueueParty

It would be, but it also requires the way maps are added to be changed, and how the matchmaking loop works.

My current idea for that which was what initially popped into my head would require something like this:

MatchmakingService:SetMapRoles(map, roles) (like SetPlayerRange, and AddGamePlace)

where roles is (dbd example):

    ["Minimum"]=1; -- Minimum of this role for a game to be made
    ["Maximum"]=4; -- Maximum of this role allowed in the game
    ["Minimum"]=1; -- Minimum of this role for a game to be made
    ["Maximum"]=1; -- Maximum of this role allowed in the game

And in this case the game would be made with 1 killer and 1 survivor, but you’d be able to control when it starts so that the full 4 survivors can join. Like how in dbd, you’re on the menu waiting for other survivors to join.

This would override SetPlayerRange, which is basically the same thing, but only one role.

Then QueuePlayer would have a new argument added role. This will require a lot of internal changes to support, but it is a good idea, so I’ll look into it and see if I can make it happen

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Yes that would be really great , hope you can make it even if it’s hard and need to change a lot of how your service works

Version 3.0.0-beta.2
Changes (breaking):

  • [Addition] Added a new role system to allow developers to assign players roles while in queue. This would allow them to queue on different teams. For example, in dead by daylight, you can queue as killer or survivor. This new system allows you to mimic that.
  • [Addition] SetMapRoles(). Allows you to set the map roles to a table with this format (example):
  ["Killer"] = { -- Key is the role name
  ["Survivor"] = {
    • SetPlayerRange is unchanged, but is now only applicable if the role parameter is not used when queuing
  • [Change] QueuePlayerId, QueuePlayer, QueuePartyId, QueueParty, AddPlayerToGame, AddPlayerToGameId, AddPlayersToGame, and AddPlayersToGameId now accept a role parameter. If not provided, then it will use the old system without roles, but the backend adds a role called MMS_NO_ROLE for the sake of convenience in the queue.
  • [Change] GetQueueCounts structure has changed to {map: {ratingType: {role: count}}}.

Changes (non-breaking):

  • [Addition] Added signal GameCreated(gameData, serverId, reservedCode) which is fired when a server for a game is reserved. This only works in the game which is currently handling the matchmaking loop (otherwise known as the main job).
  • [Addition] Added the RunningGamesJoinable property with the corresponding method SetRunningGamesJoinable(). Defaults to true, if false, the matchmaking loop will skip running games and not use any memory queue rate limit units on them. This means that when a game is created by the serivce, it will never be joinable to the service, even if you manually set it to joinable. If you use this, it is recommended to set the minimum and maximum players to the same value so that only full games will be made since they are no longer able to be joined afterwards.


  • None

Great update Steven you added that feature so fast didn’t expect it to be real…It will save so much times for me
Edit : for the queue party it should be a table that contain role no or instead you can make a call back function

Were you able to test it? I don’t have a way to test the service anymore really. I knew that it worked fine with one role, but I never was able to test with multiple at the same time.

As for queueing parties with different roles, I’ll have to look into it. Due to the way parties work, cross queue partying is very difficult to get working, and we’re working with quite limited memory space, so any properties I have have to be worth the extra space they take.

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I didn’t tested party but I tested QueuePlayer and it does have some problems.
First the return of QueuePlayer never return true even if the player successfully queued and some times same player get queued twice don’t know if it’s link to what I said before

I’m going to look into this, but my roblox and studio are completely broken for some reason and every usage of memory store service is failing even if it’s the first request.

yes me too , seems like memory store is down right now

Version 3.0.0-beta.3

Changes (breaking):

  • None

Changes (non-breaking):

  • [Change] RemovePlayerFromQueueId, RemovePlayerFromQueue, RemovePlayersFromQueueId, and RemovePlayersFromQueue now have another parameter called updateAttribute, this will default to true. The only proper use for this is to remove players from the queue but still have the service check if they found a game. Used internally to remove players from the queue after they found a game, but still teleport them.

  • [Change] Clear will now print how many times the memory stores were used, effectively telling you how much of your rate limit you used.

  • [Change] Added various logs which will be removed on release.


  • [Fix] Fixed the MMS_QUEUED attribute being removed after finding a game, which caused players to never be teleported.

  • [Fix] AddPlayersToGameId will now default the role to MMS_NO_ROLE properly.

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@fouroul94 Let me know if 3.0.0-beta.3 fixed your issues.

I will try ASAP and will test different things but okay

okay i just tried and it seems to work way better and now QueuePlayer return true.
Found a little error on SetMapRoles()
it says trying to compare nil > number
so i changed your code by that :

Edit : found a bug like some times it just don’t bring player together and can’t create games here is my code

i start a test with 4 player to try it but it work with 2 players (1 survivor,1killer)

Ah yup, thanks for catching that. I still treated it as a single value.

Hm. I’ll look into this.

@fouroul94 I can’t seem to get the same issue as you for the 4 players, all of my fake players were going to be teleported.

It should be noted that studio is not capable of making teleports, so they won’t actually be teleported. I added some more logs on my end to ensure the players would be teleported. I pushed those changes to the github if you want them, but they don’t warrant another release at the moment since they’re just logs

yeah i tested it on studio but the service just don’t create games

That’s odd, here’s what my logs say in studio when I create a game with 4 players:

12:42:51.507  added  -  Server - Matchmaker:54
12:42:52.022  true  -  Server - Matchmaker:55
12:42:52.022  added  -  Server - Matchmaker:54
12:42:52.440  true  -  Server - Matchmaker:55
12:42:52.441  added  -  Server - Matchmaker:54
12:42:52.756  true  -  Server - Matchmaker:55
12:42:52.756  added  -  Server - Matchmaker:54
12:42:53.090  true  -  Server - Matchmaker:55
12:42:54.105   ▶ {...}  -  Server - MainModule:734
12:42:54.106   ▶ {...}  -  Server - MainModule:734
12:42:54.273  Players to teleport:  -  Server - MainModule:957
12:42:54.273  {}  -  Server - MainModule:958
12:42:57.573   ▶ {...}  -  Server - MainModule:734
12:42:57.573   ▶ {...}  -  Server - MainModule:734
12:42:57.573  WE GOT ENOUGH TO MAKE GAME!!!  -  Server - MainModule:831
12:42:57.573   ▼  {
                  ["Killer"] =  ▼  {
                      [1] = -1
                  ["Survivor"] =  ▼  {
                      [1] = -2,
                      [2] = -3,
                      [3] = -4
                }  -  Server - MainModule:832
12:42:57.574  GAME DATA CREATED  -  Server - MainModule:853
12:42:57.574  Adding to non-joinable  -  Server - MainModule:882
12:42:57.671  GAME DATA ADDED  -  Server - MainModule:889
12:42:57.723  Added game  -  Server - MainModule:903
12:42:58.130  Removed from queue  -  Server - Matchmaker:34
12:42:58.130  -2 Map 1 ranked 0 Survivor  -  Server - Matchmaker:35
12:42:58.130  Removed from queue  -  Server - Matchmaker:34
12:42:58.130  -3 Map 1 ranked 0 Survivor  -  Server - Matchmaker:35
12:42:58.130  Removed from queue  -  Server - Matchmaker:34
12:42:58.130  -4 Map 1 ranked 0 Survivor  -  Server - Matchmaker:35
12:42:58.130  Removed from queue  -  Server - Matchmaker:34
12:42:58.130  -1 Map 1 ranked 0 Killer  -  Server - Matchmaker:35
12:43:01.623  Found game  -  Server - Matchmaker:39
12:43:01.623  -1 TEST  ▶ {...}  -  Server - Matchmaker:40
12:43:01.739  Found game  -  Server - Matchmaker:39
12:43:01.739  -2 TEST  ▶ {...}  -  Server - Matchmaker:40
12:43:01.872  Found game  -  Server - Matchmaker:39
12:43:01.872  -3 TEST  ▶ {...}  -  Server - Matchmaker:40
12:43:01.990  Found game  -  Server - Matchmaker:39
12:43:01.990  -4 TEST  ▶ {...}  -  Server - Matchmaker:40
12:43:02.073  Players to teleport:  -  Server - MainModule:957
12:43:02.073   ▼  {
                  ["TEST"] =  ▼  {
                      [1] = Player1,
                      [2] = Player2,
                      [3] = Player3,
                      [4] = Player4
                }  -  Server - MainModule:958
12:43:02.075  APPLYING CUSTOM DATA  -  Server - Matchmaker:21
12:43:02.075  Player1  -  Server - Matchmaker:22
12:43:02.076   ▶ {...}  -  Server - Matchmaker:23
12:43:02.077  APPLYING CUSTOM DATA  -  Server - Matchmaker:21
12:43:02.077  Player2  -  Server - Matchmaker:22
12:43:02.078   ▶ {...}  -  Server - Matchmaker:23
12:43:02.078  APPLYING CUSTOM DATA  -  Server - Matchmaker:21
12:43:02.078  Player3  -  Server - Matchmaker:22
12:43:02.080   ▶ {...}  -  Server - Matchmaker:23
12:43:02.080  APPLYING CUSTOM DATA  -  Server - Matchmaker:21
12:43:02.080  Player4  -  Server - Matchmaker:22
12:43:02.081   ▶ {...}  -  Server - Matchmaker:23
12:43:02.082  APPLYING GENERAL DATA  -  Server - Matchmaker:28
12:43:02.082   ▶ {...}  -  Server - Matchmaker:29
12:43:02.123  Teleporting:  -  Server - MainModule:977
12:43:02.123   ▼  {
                  [1] = Player1,
                  [2] = Player2,
                  [3] = Player3,
                  [4] = Player4
                }  -  Server - MainModule:978

Now, studio can’t teleport like I said, but the last lines is where they would’ve been teleported if it was a regular game.

You can also see that after the “WE GOT ENOUGH TO MAKE GAME!!!” line, there’s 1 player under killer, and 3 under survivor, which is what we expect and the user ids are correct, -1 being the killer in my case since I used the following code:

local MatchmakingService = require(game.ServerStorage.MainModule).GetSingleton()


MatchmakingService:SetMapRoles("Map 1", {
	Killer = {
	Survivor = {

MatchmakingService:AddGamePlace("Map 1", 7584483307)

MatchmakingService.ApplyCustomTeleportData = function(player, gameData)
	return {Hi=1}

MatchmakingService.ApplyGeneralTeleportData = function(gameData)
	return {Bye=1}

	print("Removed from queue")

	print("Found game")

while #game.Players:GetPlayers() < 4 do

local roles = {[-1]="Killer",[-2]="Survivor",[-3]="Survivor",[-4]="Survivor"}
for _, p in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
	print(MatchmakingService:QueuePlayer(p, "ranked", "Map 1", roles[p.UserId]))

your code seems to work idk why mine didn’t worked