[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

Did that exact same thing and when tried to open one the other one would just simply close

set deselectWhenOtherIconSelected to false

local MyIcon = Icon.new()
MyIcon.deselectWhenOtherIconSelected = false
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How would I make it so the button is clickable instead of a toggle, Im trying to create a friend invite system but i just want it to be a button, I’ve looked through the API multiple times but could not find anything.

Ohh alright never heard of this function gonna try it out thank you very much!

Can someone help? It’s been a month >:( @ForeverHD

we need this at all costs very good :+1:

Thanks, Me and my team figured it out I’m also leaving this here for other people who have had the same issue, Hopefully this helps others figure out how to disable the toggle :slight_smile:

local stuff = Icon.new()
stuff:bindEvent("selected", function()
	stuff:deselect() -- Deselects the button so its only clickable


sorry for not reply you , so it work but it just have a little bit error and i don’t care about that sometime it so annoying XD " Can only tween objects in the workspace" but don’t worry the UI still work like normal

i don’t think this error is related to this module

Is there a function for custom colors?
I removed the normal chat bar of Roblox and used my own chat bar, in order to support the PE version

robloxapp-20220209-1925430.wmv (341.3 KB)

Sorry for the bump, but how would I use this for making a health bar? Like making an icon on the top bar that updates based on your health?

Yes, you can modify the colors of the buttons in themes.

I get the error

Requested module experienced an error while loading

Don’t worry about that error. Just before you require the script make sure to do this

until pathToYourIconModule ~= nil

Basically, that error pops up when the module fails to load. And the script I provided will just wait until the module isn’t nil (meaning is not unavailable).

Is it possible to group rank Icons so only certain ranks can view them?

Maybe try putting the icon script in a localscript, then placing all the icon code inside the code I have atteched. :slight_smile: (Btw replace “Group_ID” with your group ID, and “min_rank” with the minimum rank for the icon.

if game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetRankInGroup(Group_ID) >= min_rank then
     -- Icon Code

Alternatively, if this doen’t work, when someone clicks the icon, you can check if they are a certain rank and if they aren’t make it do nothing. :slight_smile:

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I just tried that. It still didn’t work.

until game.ServerScriptService.Icon ~= nil

until game.ServerScriptService.Icon.Themes ~= nil

local Icon = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService").Icon)
local Themes = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Icon.Themes)

Also I am getting an error from the icon moule

local IconController = require(script.IconController)

Pretty weird. Try removing and adding the module back to the game?

Hey, don’t try this guy’s dumb idea