[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

Someone above asked a similar question on tweening. This is something I’d be interested in exploring in the future but for the time being I’m just trying to complete the essential foundations so games and applications can have a reliable functioning topbar again :+1:

Ok thanks for the report, I’ll look into this when I update the package within HD Admin


Thanks for that, if any issues come up where you’re unable to repro, or need any other info or etc, feel free to reach out


Ok so I’ve been exploring, the reason large console screens break is because Roblox set’s the Y Size value of ScreenGuis with UseTopbarInsets to 0. This may be a bug on Roblox’s end?? But to fix for the time being I now check if 10footinterface and manually override some properties.

I believe I’ve fixed this issue now, but please let me know because the console emulator does not reflect consoles accurately (for the topbar at least)!

(You can grab latest copy from v3 playground)

Hello, Ben.

Is it possible to add a Icon:setDisplayOrder function? currently, Adonis have DisplayOrder of 90,000, and i wish to make it so TopBarPlus use DisplayOrder like 100,000.


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For the PlayerGUIs? Sure, I’ve been meaning to include this so I can build that in today :+1:

Thank you so much Ben! also it seems like the Github repo and the Playground is out of sync, would it be a better idea for me to redo the typing PR from scratch? since it’s out of sync.

I’ll be syncing the playground and repo today (if all goes well) so if you can wait until then to update your PR that’d be really appreciated and helpful! (I’ll respond here to let you know when its ready)

Will be waiting for the repo update! Hopefully it would’t be too hard to update the PR, since the PR is a huge update, it’s guaranteed a merge conflict will happened.

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i mean like this

-- ex:
icon:bindEvent("selected", function()
	task.spawn(fn, icon) -- no icon:debounce(...) added

when i click that icon it selected and then i click it again to deselect it with less a second, which it supposed to be deselected because i click it twice or again. but it dont deselect, seems like there a default debounce on, that make the icon freeze from click signal for a while. so my question is, is there a way to disable or remove that thing?


This is now complete, thanks for the suggestion :pray:



Ah understood. What device is that happening to you on? I can’t seem to reproduce within the emulator:

Can you share your icon code and a video of it happening?

local function onSettingsClick(icon, name, label, fn)
		settings_dropdowns[name] = icon
		icon:bindEvent("selected", function()
			task.spawn(fn, icon)

	local topSettings = Icon.new()
			:call(onSettingsClick, "Music", "Music", function(icon)
				RemoteEvent:Fire(true, "Settings", "Music")
			:call(onSettingsClick, "Sound", "Sound", function(icon)
				RemoteEvent:Fire(true, "Settings", "Sound")
			:call(onSettingsClick, "Auto", "Locked", function(icon)
				RemoteEvent:Fire(true, "Settings", "Auto")

and added :raised_hands:

Just do: Icon.setDisplayOrder(int)

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Are you meaning to use icon:bindEvent("toggled", ...) instead of icon:bindEvent("selected", ...)? This is the only change I can see to fix the issue your describe. After trying “toggled”, if the issue still happens can you DM a place file which reproduces this, or a link to the place.

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Hey ben, i forgot to tell you but the type checker doesn’t like the way theme works current, type such as { string, string, UDIM2, StateName } wouldn’t work, which mean each time you modify the theme, it will error out when it will works correctly.

{ string, string, UDIM2, StateName }
turns into
{ string }

Is it possible to refactor the theme system or should we just bear with the error?

Published, you’re now welcome to begin merging the most recent changes from branch #development into your own PR :pineapple:

Will DM you separately about this

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this fixed the issue, thanks.

Keep in mind that testing things in Roblox Studio may not work the same as in game. Some things will only work when tested in game. This is an ongoing issue Roblox has yet to fix.

i have no issues on real game.