[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

I found the issue and it’s been mentioned a few times. I had to find it from debugging, but if anyone else comes across this you can fix it by setting autoDeselect to false. It helps to know what you don’t know I guess :joy:


How can I make text updates over time?


Can someone tell my why lots of image ID’s don’t show up when I make a new Icon?

I do

local Icon = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Icon)
local icon = Icon.new()

icon:setLabel("Invite Friends")

in the LocalScript under StarterPlayerScripts and there’s no image on the Icon, but there is text

Roblox is weird with ID’s. You know how roblox makes Render Meshes? Well, it does something similar with images. Try using this one instead 18107070395

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Try making it into a string instead of a full on number like this.

local Icon = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Icon)
local icon = Icon.new()

icon:setLabel("Invite Friends")

the rbxassetid:// part first is important. Put this first always before typing in or pasting the number of an id. Next time you try to put a image on something always put rbxassetid:// first.

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Thank you very much, It works now!
I would’ve never figured out why it didn’t work

I’ve been trying to replicate the look of this cosmetics dropdown for about an hour and a half now, and I can’t seem to figure out how to leave gaps in between my buttons. Heres what mine looks like currently.
屏幕截图 2024-06-25 193202

Edit: I just figured it out, you have to use modifyTheme() to change the dropdown BackgroundTransparency to 1, then change the button’s IconSpot transparency to 0.5 (or 0.3 if its the new roblox ui) and BackgroundColor3 to Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0).


Hi, I have two questions

  1. Is there a built in way for the colors of the iconbutton to tween? Or do i need to make a fork for that?
  2. I’m not sure if this is a bug, but upon clicking the iconbutton, the text minimizes, despite the mouse still hovering over it. Is there a setting for that or do i need to fork it?

video showing the two issues:

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ResetOnSpawn is still breaking the buttons, pressing a button which should open a frame after respawn doesn’t do anything

i feel like i miss something (type annotations failed)

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This wasn’t exclusive to the topbar buttons, I made every single button in the game make a sound on click

-- every button initially in playergui
for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:GetDescendants()) do 
    if v:IsA("TextButton") or v:IsA("ImageButton") then
            --play sound on click

-- the topbar stuff isnt in the playergui initially, this is where descendantadded comes in
    if v:IsA("TextButton") or v:IsA("ImageButton") then
            --play sound on click
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I currently have this exact issue, with the Readme script. What could be happening?

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  1. The code that creates the button runs twice (two local scripts, some kind of loop, …)
  2. Does it happen after you respawn? If the code is in a place that runs with each character recreation, this is the problem. Either set the TopBar to destroy itself on respawn or put the code in place that runs once (StarterPlayerScripts or PlayerGui).
  3. idk what else but it might be something else
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  1. no
  2. no
  3. no

All I did was take the script and put it in StarterGui

Ive recently came across the issue with using new fonts not supported by .json, fontfamily, or Enum. The only other option was to use the ID of the font I was using, Poppins.


It not only does not show the correct font when playtesting, but also removes any other “icons” I have set. I dont know how to fix this.
What it looks like now:

What it looked like before the font issue:

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Quite quickly found the fix, just needed to imput the font change line into the Modify Theme and it worked! :melting_face:

When you create the widgets, They duplicate themselves (Even if you just put a brand new TopBarPlus V3 model in), Has anyone get any fixes for this? Or do we need to wait? Been happening for a few weeks now…

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How can i put the music before menu

like this

Just a heads up, on console screens it gets put way too low. To fix it, go into elements, container, comment out line 31.

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hey sorry if it’s been asked before but how do I customize the color of the outermost ring of the button? I want to create the nice rgb effect on hover that shown in the example banner. I just need to know which theme property it is.
