I want to ensure that you have the best experience possible with our bot. I highly recommend that you avoid executing commands repeatedly - this can cause a buildup of requests and potentially slow down your experience.
It doesn’t keep its self up, unsure if you read it at all, it’s a local hosted repo., however the Roblox → Glitch POST method works to keep it alive with long response times.
Host on your own PC until that support is added
The Lua code that you supply doesn’t even send requests to a server, so this just doesn’t exist atm
If it did, and you wanted to host on your PC, you’d have to port-forward the server so that Roblox can send requests to it, but if you don’t know how to do this, you could potentially make your network insecure
You mentioned you wanted to add Glitch support, but doing this risks people getting their Glitch accounts banned for TOS violations. I’d recommend switching to Repl cause they are more lax than Glitch for hosting things like this
I didn’t say that my code does? The previous repository did, which can be found on that post, more information can be reviewed at your discretion.
On that note, I localhost all my projects anyways, kind of crazy to think that I can get everything to work without port-forwarding, and only utilizing discord <-> node → roblox API.
I appreciate the input anyways, when I do get ready to add support for Hosting, I’ll double check my options once more once I reach that point.
Ohhh, I got confused when you said the post request part as I thought you meant this and not the original one. Yea, if Roblox doesn’t need to send anything to your server then no port-forwarding is needed. My bad
It is indeed possible, however curious as to how you’d like it implemented. Could have it ran as !ban <user> <time>, if there is no time specified then auto perm. ban by default, or couple days.
Mainly wrapped in a module, rewritten most of the functionality. Now available for testing, latest release & changes can be found on the github page here.
The script uses a table of ban methods, which include a ban method and a kick method. Each method has a corresponding message that will be displayed to the player when they are banned or kicked. The ban method also includes a ban end time, which is used to determine if the player should still be banned or not.