You’re not helping people in a way.
It’s simply like forking an open source project and share it. Your project is open sourced, meaning it’s not wrong to copy the source-code and edit it, and there’s no problem to add it as a topic because the owner of this topic and you will get nothing you and him just help the community and will gain nothing.
if you assume this is a bad version of your implementation of device module or smth then don’t use it in your next projects. Adversiting? why adversite an open-sourced project?
Also checked your github repository, and it seems like you are using mit license and this license dosen’t tell people to not re-publish a project licensed with it.
What are the use cases of this module? For GUI’s and input types you should be checking if the user’s device changes. Maybe this would be helpful for matchmaking?
This module might help you with that use case? I fail to understand your post
I don’t know how it will be helpful for matchmaking, I never made one
thanks for showing that my creations are useless, I actually suck at ideas
Cross-Platform Design | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub You should be adapting your UI hints and buttons based on the current active input type, not the device that it’s on. You can of course still make it responsive, but for things like button hints you should adapt to the currently used input.
I don’t understand the documentation, It just provides an poorly written module that uses too much or
I also submitted feedback regarding the issue
Instead of creating a whole new resource, you couldve suggested this to the original one. Doesnt help that the name is also so similar
What’s wrong with the or keyword? It has optimizations so it shouldn’t bog down performance
Can you make it compatible with Knit Framework?
If you want it to be compatible then you clearly don’t know how to use any framework.
I am just lazy to make it compatible to knit lol
If I suggest it to the original one, The backwards compatibility would break
I just want to do something with that module while not breaking backwards compatibility
How? It’s simply they choose to use the new version or not
My modules doesn’t just use functions if you read the code, but if I translate functions to properties, then backwards compatibility would break
It just makes the code unreadable, I could make a table which could do well too
I checked and it’s just one function and this has slightly more functions than that one, though I haven’t tried that yet nor have never even heard of it
As someone that uses Knit this would literally take like 5 seconds to do
I don’t use knit soo I can’t do that