Vector3:FuzzyEq(Vector3, >10) sometimes returns incorrect results

Trying to do Vector3:FuzzyEq with an epsilon greater than 10 will sometimes yield incorrect results. It works fine when manually comparing each property (ie abs(x1 - x2) < eps).

For example:,100,100):FuzzyEq(,1000,1000), 10) returns true despite them clearly being not within 10 units of one another.

AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D @ 4.20GHz
32.0GB DDR5 @ 5200MHz (31.2 usable)
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080

This likely isn’t a bug but rather a documentation inaccuracy; running this through the formula listed on this bug-report returns true alike FuzzyEq:


We’ve reviewed your report, and as mentioned above, this is a documentation issue where the intended behavior is not described (epsilon value scaling).

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