VectorForce is always moving in the same direction, even when numbers are complete opposites?

I’m making an escape pod, but for some reason, even when I steer LEFT, it turns right. The VectorForce numbers are correct when I turn (e.g -1 for left, 1 for right), but for some reason it appears that the force on the X axis is always going to the right?

I have no idea why this is happening but it’s extremely frustrating. In fact, you’ll find a lot of hacky stuff in this code because I had to work around odd things like this in the physics engine. Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

FYI, if it’s relevant, Workspace’s gravity is 0.

    --seat = VehicleSeat
    --force = VectorForce
    --throttle = seat.Throttle
    --steer = seat.Steer
    --turnspeed = 35
    --speed = 50000
	if seat and force and throttle ~= 0 then
		steer = seat.Steer
		if steer == 0 then
			seat.RotVelocity =,0,0)
		elseif steer == 1 then
			turnspeed = maxspeed/2 --Why am I doing this? For some reason the seat was turning too fast in one direction.
			turnspeed = maxspeed
		seat.Velocity =,0,0) --If I don't do this, the pod's controls are weird?
		rs.Heartbeat:Wait() --Myissue doesn't fix if I remove the line above.
		force.Force = * turnspeed, bar.Value * 100000, -throttle * speed)	
	elseif seat and force and throttle == 0 then
		force.Force =, 0, 0)
		seat.Velocity =,0,0)

I think it is because whenever you multiply Vector values, it adds them, not 100% sure though, but try dividing when turning the other way.

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Thanks for helping! Unfortunately, that did nothing. My pod still turns right when I try to go left.

if steer == 1 then
    force.Force = * turnspeed, bar.Value * 100000, -throttle * speed)	
elseif steer == -1 then
	force.Force = / turnspeed, bar.Value * 100000, -throttle * speed)	

So, I tried to read up on Vector Forces in order to help you, and here is what I found:

This article says that movement is relative to a certain attachment, and if the attachment is not centered, that the force creates torque, which could be the reason for your pod always turning right.

I am sorry if what I am telling you is complete nonsense, I am not too familiar with VectorForces and such other than basic usage.

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Thanks for taking the time to find that! I got the pod turning properly again by turning on ApplyAtCenterOfMass, but now it doesn’t face the proper turning direction, so I’d rather keep that off.

My attachment was positioned at 0,0,0 on the part. Wouldn’t that be the center? Why is more force being applied?

I wish I could tell you, but I am not an expert at this, I might be able to ask one of my friends to look at this thread.

It’s a brand new day, and I’m hoping someone good with constraints will help my poor soul.