VehicleSeat Unreliable - Sometimes Doesn't Work

It wouldn’t by any chance have effect on vehicles using hinges, because I use them and my vehicles steering sort of dies out and functions oddly, only sometimes, other than that it works fine. It’s just started today.

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Been also experiencing this, it happens quite a bit in my game. and also getting reports about being unable to maneuver vehicles.
IIRC the Changed event doesn’t fire for Throttle & Steer when this happens. Awhile ago I spent ages trying to figure out what was wrong because there were no errors to rely on. I thought it was something to do with NetworkOwnership, but in the end I just gave up because I couldn’t find a solution for it.
Relieved to know it isn’t something on my end. It’s annoying to say the least.


This happens quite frequently for me too. I really hope this issue gets fixed.

It happens to me as well, I ride a vehicle and it doesn’t even move.

Can confirm this is still happening. I wish I could give more details, but as previously mentioned, it’s incredibly hard to reliably replicate this bug.

This and multiple other reasons have forced me and others to have to make our own Psuedo seats using a part, value objects to mimic some seat properties and then a weld to keep the character in place. Pros of this method just means a more reliable system if done right and little to none of the lag spiking some others have reported here: Severe Performance Bug triggered easily with sitting down in a Seat with many parts in the place

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@higbeaad, I am having the same problem and it seems like many others are struggling too.
If you have some time, please elaborate on how to do the solutions you propose. Surely many would appreciate.

Thanks in advance!

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@micheal999990, sounds like you have a solution to the problem.

Please be so kind and explain the solution in detail so others struggling can move on.

You use a Part instead of he DriveSeat?
Then you modify the car script to instead get the values like Velocity from Value objects, which are children of the Part and then you teleport the player to the Part and weld him?
Doesn’t the DriveSeat provide a bunch of other functionality?

Please help!
Thanks in advance!

So when you make a Psuedo seat for example where you teleport the player to a part you can then use value object’s or local variables to replace stuff like occupant, the humanoid property of seatpart etc. For example most common thing on my planes is checking seat is Occupied and by the right whitelisted person via Occupant property, making sure I can disable seating in the seat. These can easily be replaced by having in my case an Object Value property which is called Occupant and just updates its value to the Humanoid of the player currently seated. A Disabled named Bool Value object would then be used to toggle on and off the ability to sit in the seat when the player clicks or presses E to sit etc.

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This issue has still not been addressed and has become a major bug bare for my current project. Not just does it sometimes fail to capture the input sometimes it:

  1. welds player to seat without controls or jumping.
  2. Fails to seat the player.

They’re unreliable all around but the biggest issue is simply not capturing the controls.

This just came up for us again when testing something out that uses VehicleSeats

This is printing the active and currentSeatPart values. You can see that it is printing active as true but there is no seat part.

Wrote a workaround within ControlModule. If active is true currentSeat part doesn’t exist, I wait for it to be available. This seems to fix all issues we experience with VehicleSeats.


Hello. Sorry for the delay in response. This issue is being worked on and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


I’ve noticed that even :Sit() has become unreliable in successfully sitting the player; Maybe to patch the bug mentioned here as a failsafe? Either way, this should be high priority and yet somehow not fixed?


The Sit method only appears to be 100% reliable when called on the server. We just have a remote event that can be fired for any seat in game.

I haven’t found this, On the server i’m still having to call sit until it’s successful or occupant has changed.

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still happening, in my case the controls dont work for about 5 seconds then starts working perfectly fine.


Getting this too. Roblox, pleaseeee fix it!!

I can confirm this is happening for me as well. Ran into this issue when I removed a wait(3) which was delaying my code but also preventing the issue.

Having the same issue. This is requiring me to figure out a workaround. I have done a few tests with this, and the only way to fix this, that I have found so far, is having the player get on manually, which is unreliable when you want a player to be forced there.

This is running on the server unlike other issues with the client.

This happens in a popular game known as Backstretch Battles Remastered. After spawning a car, and touching the seat to get into it, the roblox HUD does not show and the vehicle is unresponsive. you have to get out of the car then back in and it will start working.

Notice this is not using :Sit() , but by simply touching the seat. As you would normally get into a car.