Still happening for me as well.
bumb, im still experiencing this bug, i clone the vehicle from RepStore to a folder in the workspace and then use :Sit() but the player cant controll the vehicle. If the player jumps out of the seat the player cant enter it again by walking over the seat
I think I found a solution that fixed the problem for me. In a local script, I waited for the vehicle to load using ContentProvider:PreloadAsync({VehicleSeat})
. After it loads, I fire a RemoteEvent to the server where a server script will call VehicleSeat:Sit(Humanoid)
. Here is the code:
Local Script:
Server Script:
In my game, I put a RemoteEvent name IsLoaded inside the VehicleSeat. Sometimes it didn’t finish loading the RemoteEvent when I called it so I used WaitForChild
to fix that.
to anyone who still relies on vehicleseat, read this
roblox moved away from having “use-case” classes years ago because it goes against game engine design principles
in 2008, we had glue, capture flags, skateboards, vehicleseats, build tools, hinges
not made using scripts but hard-coded into the engine as classes“SkateboardPlatform”)
the only supported modern class in this category would be the proximityprompt
but that was added in order to make ClickDetectors redundant because they caused a bad user experience on mobile (you can’t tell what is clickable on mobile with clickdetectors)
in modern roblox, just like in any other game engine, the classes are puzzle pieces that make up something functional when scripted
vehicleseat is the only one of those 2008 examples that isn’t deprecated because of it’s continued use in games, and i don’t expect roblox to continue fixing it, it literally uses deprecated weld objects to attach people to the seat
i think someone made a VehicleSeat2 chassis that is scripted and offers more control, maybe look into it
expect clickdetector and vehicleseat to deprecate eventually
The VehicleSeat issue still occurs.
Recreating the problem can be tricky since it rarely happens. It usually occurs when a player joins the game, and it might be connected to high ping or server (client?) lag, but I’m not entirely sure.
There’s also another issue (though I’m not entirely sure if it qualifies as a bug), where occasionally, when a player is automatically seated upon joining, it disrupts the seating animation.
How it should look like:
While writing this message, the VehicleSeat didn’t properly seat my humanoid. When this bug occurs, the HUD doesn’t show up, and I cannot drive the ATV but sitting animation is being played. (When this happened there were no errors/warnings in the console at all.)
Here is the picture:
Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player: Player)
local ATV = Assets.ATV:Clone()
local targetPosition = game.Workspace.Stages[player:WaitForChild("leaderstats", math.huge).Stage.Value].CFrame.Position
ATV.Parent = game.Workspace.PlayersATVS[player.Name]
ATV:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(-180), 0))
repeat task.wait() until player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
repeat ATV.ATVSeat:Sit(player.Character.Humanoid) until ATV.ATVSeat.Occupant == player.Character.Humanoid
If you want to try the game yourself here is the link to it: ATV [DEV] - Roblox
I realize this is a very old topic, but I wanted to bump it for anyone else who stumbles on this in the future.
I came across this issue in a project I was working on. This reply helped, but I found using Humanoid.Seated
to be unreliable. Sometimes this event does not fire if you directly transition the humanoid from one seat to another.
I found watching Humanoid.SeatPart
to be a much better alternative as it doesn’t fire false positives and also properly handles the direct transition problem I outlined above:
self.humanoidSeatedConn = self.humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("SeatPart"):Connect(function()
local active = not not self.humanoid.SeatPart
self:OnHumanoidSeated(active, self.humanoid.SeatPart)
(it’s also a fair bit more concise)
just wanted to bump this I am experiencing this issue still. The hud doesn’t show up but the player does “sit”.
I ended up fixing the problem by writing my own calculation for throttle and steering. Here is it if anyone needs it:
local moveDir = humanoid.MoveDirection
local normal = Vector3.yAxis
local throttleProjection = VectorUtility.ProjectVectorToPlane(normal, camera.CFrame.LookVector).Unit
local throttle = moveDir:Dot(throttleProjection)
local steerProjection = VectorUtility.ProjectVectorToPlane(normal, camera.CFrame.RightVector).Unit
local steer = moveDir:Dot(steerProjection)
local VectorUtility = {}
function VectorUtility.ProjectVectorToPlane(normal, vector)
local projection = VectorUtility.ProjectVectorToVector(vector, normal)
local planeProjection = vector - projection
return planeProjection
function VectorUtility.ProjectVectorToVector(vectorToProject, ontoVector)
local dotProduct = vectorToProject:Dot(ontoVector)
local ontoVectorMagnitudeSquared = ontoVector:Dot(ontoVector)
local projection = ontoVector * (dotProduct / ontoVectorMagnitudeSquared)
return projection
return VectorUtility
As niche as this issue is, it has potential to make some games unplayable. The solutions provided in the thread work quite well, but it would be better for the engine bug to be fixed, instead of forcing developers to settle for a band-aid solution.
It took them a while, but hopefully it indeed ends now.
This bug still occurring for me right now. Is the fix live?
I also experience similar issues in my experience Emergency Hamburg - Roblox. I believe it’s the same bug.
The issue only happens with a bad internet connection.
For replication, I use a network tool called Clumsy to simulate a high ping and a network package drop rate of 10%.
- The player slightly falls when entering the seat - in our game, VehicleSeat:Sit() is called server-side.
- steer/throttle is not being set, my vehicle scripts work when I set them manually, but the player input is not forwarded.
- When exiting the vehicle after that happened, the character also behaves weirdly and isn’t teleported out of the vehicle like it normally is - I suspect the humanoid.Seated Event is not called correctly here.
Bug Video: VehicleBugEmergencyHamburg.mp4 - Google Drive
After I made changes to the system how characters are hidden in vehicles (making it client-side) and therefore reducing the amount of data that needs to be replicated to the client when entering a vehicle, the bug seemed to happen a lot less, but especially a lot of mobile players are still complaining.
And still, VehicleSeat:Sit() (called on the server) sometimes doesn’t allow the client to control the seat. VehicleSeat.Occupant and Humanoid.SeatPart do give correct values, but the Steer and Throttle values of the vehicle seat do not work/update.
Bumping this because this occurs in my game.
It happens rarely, but I am calling :Sit() on the server on newly spawned vehicles. The SteerFloat property remains 0 regardless of input until the player sits in the seat again. Haven’t found a proper fix, will probably switch to using a custom implementation of steering instead of relying on reading values from the VehicleSeat.
According to the latest release notes Release Notes for 655
This is something I’ve noticed that indeed Humanoid.Seated in the controlmodule sometimes fails to properly set up the vehiclecontroller, responsible for setting values such as Steer and Throttle. If a seatpart was passed as nil, then indeed a vehicleSeat wouldn’t be recognized by the controller and thus never initializes the vehiclecontroller. I myself solved this by forking the controlmodule to handle a custom made Seated event, which guarantees to work.
It’s possible this bug, which is pending to be fixed as of the writing of this, was the cause of this issue. It’s only matter of verifying this later.
Bump. I’m having this issue after cloning the seat from ServerStorage to Workspace. About half the time, calling :Sit() in a server context causes this issue.
This issue still occurs in both Studio and in-game. I clone the vehicle from ServerStorage into Workspace, and then immediately call vehicleSeat:Sit(). I am unable to reliably reproduce it. Most of the time it works, but roughly 5% of the time it will not detect inputs from the client.
Lol this is a 5 year old bug. Give it another 2 years and maybe Roblox will decide to fix it.
Just like this bug that’s 6+ years old and still hasn’t been fixed.
This issue still occurs for me. In this game Emergency Emden, this issue is prevalent. As well as in a new game I’m working on, this issue is still occurring.
The Car is cloned from ServerStorage → Workspace.
The script used to drive the car is dependant on ThrottleFloat & SteerFloat, properties of the VehicleSeat.