Very bad replication

Hi, as you can see the roblox replication is so bad. It looks like the touched event fire earlier on client side. (Bullets are moved by Linear Velocity and network owner is server)

I want it to be clear like on the server side. I know I can set the network owner as player. But wouldn’t it only work on that specific player? How can I fix it?

You should probably try using the brand new shapecasts to create better bullets, Touched event has a reputation of being insecure and crappy on characters.

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I’ve made a hitbox system that keeps creating :GetPartBoundsInBox() at the position of the bullet. Still same result.

I actually had this issue recently when using linear velocity on the server. It probably is similar to mine.

The only easy workaround is to use BodyVelocity (Roblox hid this so you have to spawn it in via command line) which is a lot smoother.

The other fix would be to spawn the bullet on both client and server. Server’s bullet would be invisible (so its just there for the hit detection) and client would create the bullet visual. Server would fire a remote to the clients, telling them to create a bullet at this location. Likewise, whenever the server bullet collides with something, tell the clients again to delete said bullet.

The pro with the latter solution is that bullets would be smooth as butter, and you have the robustness of a server side security.


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