Very poor performance with Future lighting technology

From what you’ve listed it’s a bit odd that it’s that laggy. I have a 4gb rx 460, 8gb ram ddr4 at 2666mhz and a 6th gen i5 at I think 3.2 ghz base clock and it can handle a bunch of moving lights like 100 I think. At 30+ fps no shadows. Without them moving it can handle like around 200 just fine and I’m sure it can handle way more then that. All point lights by the way. I think you should be able to handle it just fine. Also try turning on the performance stats and show us what’s the average ms time for the cpu and gpu. Your cpu could be pretty slow and be a bottleneck. Since it’s clocked at 2.6ghz. From what I know thats a bit slow. Also make sure your drivers are up to date. That also could be an issue. I’m not too sure if your gpu is good or not but from what I see it seems to be better then mine. Could be because I have it on a regular baseplate so there could be other reasons why its slower for you.

Edit: I made a little stress test which you can accesses here. stress test - Roblox
It has 819 pointlights flat on the ground all static no shadows and at worst it seems to go to 6.8ms on my gpu. My cpu is at 16 ms or more but i think thats because its roblox purposly slowing it down so it doesnt exceed 60fps. (I would of made it a thousand or more but ive noticed roblox wont render anything above 819 lights in future at once, and I would of made the range bigger but I wouldent be able to fit my camera to see everything without it transitioning to voxel.)

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I can reproduce on my PC. Specs:
i7 10700 @2.90GHz
RTX 2060 super 8 GB
16 GB of RAM
2 tb storage

and well other good stuff.

I was able to create 48 moving lights that blew off my PC, they were in 48 parts and those parts had a BodyAngularVelocity and a BodyVelocity inside each.

2021-09-03 (2)

Although my temperature blew off pretty high I was still getting a solid 300 fps. This was done in studio with future lighting on.

We can see that it heavily relies on the GPU. Pushed my GPU usage to a good 55% (you can see in the picture) and I dont think the 2060 Super is anything bad.

Good stress test for everybody’s PCs :sweat_smile:


6 posts were split to a new topic: Off-topic responses on “Very poor performance with Future lighting technology”

Roblox is running on the Dedicated GPU. Also maximum graphics quality (level 10)

Ryzen 9 4900H with Radeon Graphics
RTX 2060 (6 GB VRAM)
Windows 11 (Insider build, flighting on beta channel)


I have a game with 10K pointlights. Roblox is slowing it down and limiting it to 40 odd lights enabled at a time to prevent myself accidentally creating an intercontinental ballistic missile at home using just Roblox.


How can you even have that many lights in render distance in that screenshot???

With my not-bad laptop, those lights would turn melt my laptop cover off!

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Maximum graphics quality (I always use it, unless if I play some games that gives me a bit of advantage with low graphics)

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Yes, you’re going to get fine results with a mid-high range gpu on a lego game.

Use it on an igpu (Inc. AMD APUS. They run fine from my experience), or something low tier and you’ll see a performance dip.

source: i own high range gpu and use it on a lego game.

In all seriousness, your desktop is in the top 1-5% of hardware on roblox. Using the same lighting and screenshot with a core i3-6100 and a IHD 530 is going to get you absolutely abysmal results.


P.S my upgrade was a spike (from low-end to high-end), I was stuck at low-end for years anyways so it’s not like I never experienced lag, however it seems like I may have misinterpreted entirety of OP then.


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Not to sound impatient, but I’ve complained for 15 months straight. I hope this is the glimmer of light I’ve been waiting for.


It’s better now, but still not good enough. Try to add further optimizations to it.


To clarify, Roblox said during RDC that they’ll focus on optimizations. I’ve also talked with vrtblox to report bugs related to shadows, and it’s clear that they’re focusing on the problem.
It may take some time, but they’re definitely making progress.


Yep, I can see the progress. Future lighting got 4x less laggy within the past week, so we can only expect better things with HSR and other future optimisations.


from 10 days ago now? I guess I can revive it a little…

i tried playing this game with my laptop, and it seems FiB3 is running a lot better now! a consistent 300 fps for me on max graphics while my laptop is plugged with charger, without, it drops by 100 fps (which isnt surprising to me as it does so on all other games i play.)

if anyone would like my specs, i’d be glad to give it


It sounds like you have good specs. What are you running on?

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i7 2.30GHz
16GB of RAM
RTX 3050Ti


This speaks for itself. They shipped it to iPhones with down to 2GB RAM.

It’s better but not good enough, on a top end iPad lag spikes are everywhere still.

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That seems true. Thank you for the insight. No idea mobile had so little RAM (since previous experience showed that my iPad was always better then my PC)


Seem’s like future is bright seem’s not to lag anymore for me, when I put my graphic’s down on a game using FIB v3, it show’s the same performance results.