I’ve had problems with most vfx plugins. so i made my own with all the features i wanted!
VFX editor:
Better emit functionality
EmitCount, EmitDelay and EmitDuration
Emit repeat toggle (1 second interval)
Texture library: (comes with 360+ textures, 200 of them are flipbooks)
Some textures that come with the plugin:
How to upload & insert textures:-
Insert: select any texture (you can edit its properties like FPS and Grid) → press insert
Upload: select any vfx holder in explorer. deselect texture and a upload button should appear that shows how much new textures will be uploaded from that vfx holder.
a vfx holder can be Folder, Model, BasePart, Workspace, Attachment
This allows you to upload all new textures from a full game or huge vfx by just selecting it!
Sliders: First 3 are used to rotate the HSL of selected vfx (hue, saturation, lightness)
the last one basically multiplies any property you want, if you leave it empty, it will multiply EmitCount of every particle in the selected VFX.
Animation util: i wanted to flip some animations so i thought why not add it to the plugin along with everything i need so that i dont have to use any other plugin for animating.
Trail preview: (might add more shapes but i think this is enough)
Sequence copier:
How to get:
will publish to asset store once roblox lets me make it paid or i verify my id to do it (probably wont). but for now you can contact me on discord: coroutine.yield_ Price: $6.99 or 2,500 robux
!! Released a bit early so there may be some bugs (report them if u find any) Like the post if you think the plugin is good. let me know your thoughts and suggestions!
Looking at other plugins such as vfx suite being $4.99 with no texture library, no sliders, no animation util, doesn’t come with any textures and has less options; makes me think this is worth even more.
what does that even mean
Edit: i lowered the robux price because i just calculated with devex rate + 30% fee, 7$ is equal to 2858 robux. now the robux price is 2,500 <3
In the market of Roblox, trying to price your stuff higher then 15 dollars will usually not be a good idea…
The market exposure you get isn’t good in the first place
Most potential customers and Roblox developers aren’t exactly made of money and usually can only afford that below 10 dollar mark
A market standard for most plugins has become either 5-10 or 30-50
However, in your case your plugin is much better then most like it and you could afford to keep it at its current price point as long as you distinguish its superiority and expand your market exposure. Otherwise the product will not be sold much.
For now it’s a good idea to lower the price to get some traction. Possibly even some reviews on the dev forum.
Once it’s gotten around 5k views bring it back to its original price and you can even hike it up to 20 once you hit 10k-20k views.
Main point standing, I agree with your price point as this is an outstanding resource but if you want to both. Make money and share a good resource you should definitely put it down to 5 dollars or so for awhile and then bring it back up once it’s gotten it’s well deserved fame.
2,500 robux is $8.75 when devexed, and i will be getting $6.13 after the 30% fee.
developers don’t get their robux from buying it, but by making a game or working for one and if they get paid in robux they will value it as what they get after devexing. not its buying price.
which means if i do a job worth $5 i should be paid 1,500 robux not 400.
Thanks, but I think I just need to get more people notice it.
Once you have an effect set up, like say 7 particle, some beams etc, can you set them to emit at different times, and once you get the effect how you want it, how does it get built in studio so that you can call a script to trigger it in play mode, with the different enable settings? (in particular having them emit at different times)
Also, for the textures / flipbooks, who actually uploaded them to Roblox?
You call a emit() function on the parent vfx, you can make your own but heres the one i use:
local VFXClasses = {
ParticleEmitter = true,
Beam = true,
Trail = true,
local function Emit(VFX)
local Duration = VFX:GetAttribute("EmitDuration") or 0
if VFX:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
VFX:Emit(VFX:GetAttribute("EmitCount") or 0)
for _, v in VFX:GetChildren() do
task.delay(V:GetAttribute("EmitDelay"), Emit, V)
if Duration >= 0.01 and VFXClasses[VFX.ClassName] then
VFX.Enabled = true
VFX.Enabled = false
I collected them from different open source vfx using the upload button from places like RoVFX.