Apologies for the length in advance…
I assume you mean per-world/level. If so, I think that’d be nice and incentivize speed running. I’ve given this a ton of thought. Golden Toast (the main collectible) are not currently re-collectable on the same save-file, but that can be changed for an in-game speed running system. My only drawback, other than time, is exploiters. I wouldn’t want someone to climb to the top by cheating.
I remember seeing a YouTube video where someone combatted cheaters in their game by showing a “natural?” curve. I can’t recall enough about it to find the video.
I know the Stars Align Demo game has leaderboards for its levels, but they reset data and leaderboards. I don’t want to do that. I also wouldn’t want to manage a speed running category or team to ban submissions or anything like that (that’s how Speedrun.com works I believe).
I’ve thought a lot about tutorial design. This video has been REALLY helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG4Yy-1G-wc. In short, my tutorial needs to Teach, Comfort, Excite, and Respect the player.
I think my use of these “cards” -as I call them- teach and respect the player, but I wouldn’t say they “excite” or “comfort” the player. The level design of the tutorial is mostly linear with various guides (such as a physical arrow, paths, and other ways of directing the players eye). Those last things likely comfort the player because of the sense of direction. And, the gameplay itself being the tutorial (as much as possible), I hope, excites the player. That’s my defense for removing the longer dialogue.
I’m of course open to any ideas on improving the tutorial. You do mention the word “interactive”, so I wonder where I could make that happen that it doesn’t already.
I made a DevForum post where you can see a video of the older tutorial. It’s a bunch of dialogue. I also made a Twitter thread about tutorial design with other video I’ve watched on the topic.
I plan to have badges for collecting all Golden Toast in each level. There will be 6 worlds that a free for everyone, a DLC world, and a Premium world. There’s also a badge for joining the game, and playing with a friend. I used to have a list of badge ideas on my Trello board for the game, but it appears I deleted it. I’m open to ideas.
I think having a badge for completing everything (non-DLC and premium) is good as well as a badge for trying on (and/or buying) a cosmetic item.
no worries, I'll keep the old reply I had under this dropdown:
There’s a cosmetics shop in the game, but only 8 items IIRC. I’m thinking about making a cosmetic item for each world that the player will unlock after collecting each golden toast for that world. I could also add a cosmetic that can be bought with robux and one for premium users.
Also, the game doesn’t really have lore. I could use the excuse that I wanted to focus on gameplay -because that is core to the heart of the game- but, being honest, I don’t know how to write a good story here. That’s usually done when making a game design doc, not a little past halfway through development. The only way for me to get better is to try over various projects and research. Which, I’ll do, but I don’t want to risk it for this project.
Most everything else is great to me. I’m fine with reviewers and whatnot saying my game lacks story. I know that and I don’t want to restart everything to make a cohesive and well-thought-out story. Nor do I want to make a botched story.