The players character is R15, and worked for the players character, but it wasnt working for the viewmodel since the viewmodel was R6 and the animation was R15. so I changed the animation to R6 still doenst work tho on the view model
I’m getting confused…
Are you trying to run a roblox r6 rig animation on a viewmodel, or did you animate the viewmodel itself??
You may also want to create a part in the middle, adding a joint from the root part to it, and jointing the arms to that part.
HumanoidRootPart was anchored, just unanchored it and the arms fall out the world and still dont play the animation.
The HumanoidRootPart needs to be anchored, but the arms/other parts don’t. Forgot to say this lol
The viewmodel is R6 and I’m trying to animate an R6 animation on it. Im confusing my self to.
The arms are not anchored, humanoid root part and the arms both have cancollide off.
Is this what you mean?
X mark = The thing you’re not animating for the viewmodel
Check mark = The viewmodel you ARE animating
Yes thats correct, im not animating the dummy that was just for the animation editor thing
Go in game, copy and paste your viewmodel to workspace and animate that viewmodel.
Wont let me click on the arms
Are they locked?
This spoiler is useless, why are you reading it
No, the arms arent locked i can select them in workspace but when i open animation editor it wont let me select lol,
EDIT: wait they might be locked but locked = false? cant select them in workspace
Turn off any camera plugins or select them manually in the editor:
Ok this is what I’ve done, this correct?
the animation priority needs to be movement/action…
Ok, got confused since like 3 differnet people told me 3 differnet animation priorities
Which script is the animation one?
There we go, the arms are finally animated after putting the viewmodelinto workspace and animating it there. Thanks for your help and time @IConsumeCheddar @amadeupworld2 @Scalper85
(marking this as solution incase other ppl have this same problem)