Viewmodel with gun position relative to a tool's position to the arm

The title is confusing, but I can’t describe it any better, so here’s a picture

The closest ive gotten to this is:

     ViewModelTool.CFrame = ViewModelRightArm.CFrame + Tool.Grip.Position

but no matter what I do I can’t get it to alter the orientation

Ask for any more information you need because this is kind of hard to explain

Should be:

     ViewModelTool.CFrame = ViewModelRightArm.CFrame*Tool.Grip

To visualize this an attachments which follows a similar CFrame formula because it’s a part CFrame multiplied by a constant “Offset” CFrame.

Attachment.WorldCFrame = PartWithAttachment.CFrame * attachment.CFrame

The end result is the attachments position which you see: