What’s the problem:
I don’t work with cameras or viewports, so this is sorta new to me.
I’m just testing, but the problem I have is that it’s rotating around the object in a weird way.
I want the object to be in the very middle of the viewport and for the camera to rotate around it
Example of how the problem looks
Local Script
local VPF = script.Parent.ViewportFrame
local Object = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Assets.Weapons.Guns.GhostBeater
local R = 0
local function VPFTesting()
local VPFObj = Object:Clone()
VPFObj.Parent = VPF
local cam = Instance.new("Camera")
cam.Parent = VPF
VPF.CurrentCamera = cam
cam.CFrame = CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(R),0) * CFrame.new(Object.Handle.Position + (Object.Handle.CFrame.LookVector*5) + Vector3.new(5,0,0), Object.Handle.Position)
R = R + 1
I got to this point by just following Youtube tutorials, reading Devforum, and going on Developer. I do undertsand what I wrote, but I’m not confident in the fact that my code is perfect. I have looked for solutions already and try to apply it to my own code, but none of them have worked for me.
Rotating a camera is more performant according to this developer article.
Moving a viewport’s physical children is less performant than keeping them static. If you need to update the view, it’s better to move the camera than move the parts/models.
--CF is the model position, you can replace it with part.Position or handle.Position.
local cf, size = model:GetBoundingBox()
local distance = vpfModel:GetFitDistance(cf.Position) --Calculated by module, or you could set any number
theta = theta + math.rad(20 * dt)
orientation = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesYXZ(math.rad(-20), theta, 0)
camera.CFrame = CFrame.new(cf.Position) * orientation * CFrame.new(0, 0, distance)