Viewport undocking bug has returned (Aug 24 2023)

After the current update on August 24th 2023, the bug that causes the viewport to undock and get stuck on the top left corner of the screen has returned. No way to fix it other than restarting studio. This bug triggers seemingly randomly when going to or from playtest states (Play button, Stop Button).

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Yes this is a known issue we’ve been working on for some time. It’s caused by some combination of plugins and use of specific versions of Windows so it’s been difficult to hunt down and reproduce. We also know that cycling through Play / Edit can accelerate it. You can try removing any unused or hidden plugins if you have a ton installed.

We have a more permanent solution we are working on as a top priority — it’s a large effort to introduce a new docking scheme but it’s the only way to fully fix the issue.


Thank you for the response Paul!

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