ViewPortFrame Character Animation

I just mean to clone the template from wherever you’ve stored it originally, such as ReplicatedStorage. Then, for each emote, clone that template and animate the NPC within. Make sure you’re pathing to the correct ones instead of the original (which would of course be taken care of inherently with the for loop iteration).

What you’ve got now looks a bit over-engineered to me. I think you should redo it more simply and straight to the point.

Ah, I see what you mean. So, for each emote in the emotesfolder, you’re suggesting I make a clone of the template originally and store that, so when the client needs one they can just access it from there?

Sorry for asking so many questions, I’m still pretty new with WorldModels. Also, would this prevent the bug with animations not playing?

I don’t think WorldModel has anything to do with this issue. If I had to guess, it would have to do with how you’re handling the animation and cloning.

But yes, clone the templates and use those cloned templates. Animate each cloned template directly.

This would prevent the bug with animations not playing.

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The issue is that I need to use a viewportframe. What I’ve read, the only way to have a model be animated inside this ViewportFrame is using a worldmodel. I’ve tried without using WorldModels and it just didn’t work. Are you suggesting that I use a camera and a physical object?

Okay, I’ll give this a try and let you know.

No, you need both a Viewport and a WorldModel. I’m saying to clone a template of all of that together with the NPC, and clone it for each animation. Then, for each clone, load and play the animation.

I tried this, and it didn’t work. The animation just isnt playing.
(Sorry for the confusion with the previous reply, it’s getting to be pretty late and I’ve been doing this for a few hrs)

Are you loading the animation into the cloned NPC of each individually cloned template? Make sure you’re not animating the original uncloned template.

Yeah, for each NPC i’m playing the animation on the NPC, I’ve tried both on the client and the server.
(I’m currentely creating the viewports on the server and importing / playing the anims on the client)
Everything prints right, the animation loads, the isplaying prints right, it just… doesnt.

Have you started over doing it more simply without modules or anything fancy? Just use a basic for loop, clone all of the required templates and animation, then play the correct animation for the corresponding NPC.

Everything can be done on the client, the server isn’t needed for anything here. You don’t even need it to play the animation on the real character, as that replicates automatically.

Yeah, I made it as simple as possible. Here’s my current code if you want it.

Code in serverscriptservice

local emoteFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Emotes")
local template = script:WaitForChild("tempViewport")
local viewportFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Viewports")

for i, emote in emoteFolder:GetChildren() do
	local newTemp = template:Clone()
	newTemp.Name = emote.Name
	newTemp.Parent = viewportFolder

Code in startergui

local emote = "dance1"

local viewport = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Viewports")[emote]
local emote = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Emotes')[emote]

local track = viewport.WorldModel.NPC.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(emote)
track.Looped = true


viewport.Parent = script.Parent

The same issue is happening where the viewport has the char in it but it doesnt play the animation
I’ll try making it all on the client and lyk.

Update; switching it to local still doesn’t fix anything. At this point do I file a bug report?

Gonna try reuploading the animations and seeing if that does anything

Have you tried parenting before playing the animation?

My animation is still working, the same thing I did originally for this thread. Except I’m just using it to show the player’s character using their current idle animation. So I just clone their character into the WorldModel that’s inside the Viewport. The animation LocalScript that’s already in the character animates it automatically. Also the LocalScript doesn’t need to be inside the WorldModel or character, it’ll work from anywhere as long as the path is correct.

I was using the r15 anims on an r6 character. If I go missing tommorow, you will know why.

Sleep is an important part of development.

Also, while not needed in this case, you might find this interesting:

That’s a really cool article, I’ll look into it.
I’m sorry for wasting your time, gonna get some sleep so I dont try to set backgroundtransparency to a color3 :sob:

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