ViewportFrame does not update in ScrollingFrame within CanvasGroup unless manually updated by scrolling

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open the place provided at the bottom.
  2. Press play to start a simulated layout I use in my game.
  3. Wait for the grid to load.
  4. Press “Show Canvas”.
  5. You will notice about half of the viewports do not load.
  6. Scroll down - even a pixel - and you will notice all viewports now load.


Expected Behavior
I should expect all viewports to be loaded while the canvas is visible.

Actual Behavior
About half of the viewports do not load, resulting in a poor experience, as this is crucial information to show the user in my game.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly

I would also like to note that this occurs with ImageLabels as well, but doesn’t happen as frequently as above.

Place File:
ViewportCanvasRepro.rbxl (64.8 KB)

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

This issue happens with ViewportFrames and VideoFrames as well. CanvasGroups are not properly updating in general.

Follow along here! ViewportFrame does not update in CanvasGroup