Have you heard of the glass material bug with transparency? You can replicate that effect with that as well, but it’s a matter of preference. I think the glass alternative looks better but it’s also going to be patched according to Roblox, so.
I don’t believe that’s a bug, but just something due to the way SurfaceGuis and BillboardGuis function when in PlayerGui
I have recently noticed an issue with Viewport Frames, It will not set the ViewportSize property of a Camera.
This is especially annoying since you are unable to use WorldToScreenPoint or WorldToViewportPoint as it will always return 0
That’s because multiple ViewportFrames can use the same camera. Since ViewportFrames can have different sizes, there’s no way to decide which size to use.
Is there a way to work around this?
I am using this as a Minimap and I am wanting to be able to mark where people are on the map.
You’re going to have to calculate the positions yourself. Sorry if I can’t tell you how exactly, since I don’t how to, either.
I will probably just end up making a 3D Marker for players in the minimap to save time
Have you tried the AbsoluteSize of a ViewportFrame?
Even with me knowing the AbsoluteSize, that would not allow the function WorldtoScreenPoint to work.
Here’s some code from a module I wrote, which was borrowed from another module by someone else:
local function pointToScreenSpace(cframe, fieldOfView, point, viewportSize)
-- borrowed from https://devforum.roblox.com/t/3d-gui-module/5183 ( http://www.roblox.com/Roblox-3D-GUI-Module-item?id=159576724 )
-- used for transforming points from GetCameraParams into a size
-- no need to rewrite what's already written!
local screenSize = viewportSize
local relative = cframe:pointToObjectSpace(point)
local ratio = screenSize.x/screenSize.y
local yFactor = math.tan(math.rad(fieldOfView/2))
local xFactor = ratio*yFactor
local y = (relative.y/relative.z) / yFactor
local x = (relative.x/relative.z) / -xFactor
return Vector2.new(screenSize.x*(0.5 + 0.5*x), screenSize.y*(0.5 + 0.5*y))
I have created a function that will allow you to mimic the function WorldToScreenPoint in a ViewportFrame
ScreenSpace.ViewportAspectRatio = function(viewport)
return viewport.AbsoluteSize.X / viewport.AbsoluteSize.Y
ScreenSpace.ViewportWorldToScreen = function(viewport,at)
local point = viewport.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame:pointToObjectSpace(at)
local aspectRatio = ScreenSpace.ViewportAspectRatio(viewport)
local hfactor = math.tan(math.rad(viewport.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView) / 2)
local wfactor = aspectRatio * hfactor
local x = point.x / point.z / -wfactor
local y = point.y / point.z / hfactor
return Vector2.new(viewport.AbsoluteSize.X * (0.5 + 0.5 * x), viewport.AbsoluteSize.Y * (0.5 + 0.5 *y)), point.z
Thanks for this, I haven’t tested my code so I’m glad I can have something to fall back on!
You could do it with camera CFrame trickery.
It’d be neat to see but impractical.
ViewportFrames are brilliant!
A way for multiple ViewportFrames to render the same model/parts (at the same time) without having to clone them would be appreciated though; managing all of the separate models can become quite a pain.
its already possible but it does not use the ViewportFrame

I’m guessing the sky we see is fake and the real sky box is the galaxy?
Yea the HD Skybox is fake and the Space skybox is real
You can’t though, that what my earlier post was all about: ViewportFrame Release - #202 by EmilyBendsSpace And mirrors have the additional problem of not being able to do a reflection without everything turning inside out.
Inside out? Adjusting the camera CFrame shouldn’t be impossible; esp. if you use Object space. Flip X and Y, leave Z alone, boom you have your reflection CFrame. Then you just make the camera’s LookVector point towards that?
Flipping X and Y just gets you a 180-degree rotation. That’s not a mirror reflection. Getting the perspective right can be done with a BillboardGui set to always face the camera, but you have to resort to the hack of cropping it with large blocks if you want to hide that it’s a UI that is facing your camera (because it definitely breaks the illusion). There’s no amount of CFrame magic that will get the correct perspective onto a SurfaceGui,