ViewportFrame WorldModel NPC will not hold a Tool

When I attempt to add a tool to an NPC that is inside a WorldModel in a ViewportFrame the tool gets Equipped but the Handle’s position does not update. So the NPC is standing there with the tool equipped animation but the tool’s Handle position remains unchanged and stays at the position the tool was at… its almost as if the tool’s Handle is anchored and the position does not update? But it is not anchored.


If I go into the Explorer I can manually move the tool’s Handle into view like so:

I dont think worldmodel’s supports tools(Correct me if im wrong). As an alternative you could CFrame the tools handle to the hand

Yeah I ended up manually welding it to the hand

  1. Use EquipTool to make the player’s character equip the tool.
  2. Locate the automatically created ‘RightGrip’ weld inside the character’s right limb (‘Right Arm’ for R6 and ‘RightHand’ for R15).
  3. Cache weld’s ‘C0’ and ‘C1’ properties.
  4. Parent the tool to the world model’s ‘NPC’ model.
  5. Create a weld between the NPC’s right limb and the tool’s handle.
  6. Set the created weld’s ‘C0’ and ‘C1’ properties to the cached values.

This is what I did, thank you :slight_smile: