these plugins can be 100% fatal to your game. They open up backdoors that exploiters can use to hijack your games servers, they can create false/hidden scripts to put up stuff and more stuff that absolutely screw up your game.
It’s sometimes not over when you delete these. These plugins save the scripts into your game sometimes like viruses. I remember deleting a free model and a virus’s script was still in my game.
Remember, look out for any suspicious detail on the plugin to ensure that your game will be safe from anything.
Do you have to search through the explorer and make sure there is no scripts that aren’t supposed to be there to get rid of them completely or will ctrl+a and backspace get them?
The script explorer will be some help though, although it might not find every single one of those damn things, it still can do some damage. Theres no way to completely get rid of all of them 100% of the time because they find a way to duplicate. Try just going back one update and search scripts.
That’s not really hacking. Just a serverside backdoor that grants users some powers in infected games and can be really abusable where can reach game deletion or maybe leading his account to get moderation.
First of all, no, they don’t hack accounts as far I know. Studio cannot give out any player’s information including the client user (ex. password, .ROBLOSECURITY cookie, etc).
They are 'backdoor’s, and they allow exploiters have serversided access to the backdoored games. The owners do make money from it, with BTC, Paypal, Robux and more.
Please avoid installing plugins that have virus(ses), you should check the plugin or model owner first before you install/insert ANYTHING to studio.