Visibility of command

How can i make … if i type something it will note be visible to others…

Can you elaborate what you are trying to achieve

and can you fix your spelling errors.

Add this script on serverscriptstorage

local command = "/visible"
  if message:sub(1, command:len()):lower() == command then
      for I,v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do
            if v:IsA("Part") then
               v.Transparency = 0

That what you are asking right?

— Fixed thank you guys for checking this —

What type of game are you making? This kinda makes no sense that you would skip it only for a certain player.

no its just an example… im triyng to make like once i chat the certain sentence like /cmd it would not be visible so it will not mess up the chat … i would just give example like /console right its not visible in chat once you type it?

Actually typing /e won’t show up in chat you can edit that in the chat module you can get the module when you join the game the module will show up in starter player script copy it then in it search the function where it hide some chat

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Im curios the util is the module that making the message not visisble right!?

Can you explain you mean by “util”?