Visualizing Bezier Curves

I can’t increment it, need to be from 0 to 1

No gaps but now it looks like random positioned parts.

This is the best I got


But as you can see, now the problem here is the Vector Z, I don’t know what I need to add to remove that uncomfortable irregularity

This is the current script

    local pos = QuadraticBezier(i/steps , origin.Position, curve.Position, goal.Position);
    local pointfront = QuadraticBezier((i+1)/steps, origin.Position, curve.Position, goal.Position)
    local superfront = QuadraticBezier((i+2)/steps, origin.Position, curve.Position, goal.Position)
    local cf = CFrame.lookAt(
        (pos + pointfront) / 2,
    local cf2 = CFrame.lookAt(
        (pointfront + superfront) / 2,
    local magnitude = (pointfront - pos).Magnitude
    local bound1 = cf + cf:VectorToWorldSpace(, 0, -magnitude/2))
    local bound2 = cf2 + cf2:VectorToWorldSpace(, 0, magnitude/2))
    local boundsMag = GetDistanceOfCFrames(bound1, bound2)
    local line ="Part", workspace)
    line.Anchored = true
    line.Size =, 1, magnitude)
    line.BrickColor ="Really red")
    line.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
    line.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
    line.CFrame = cf - cf:VectorToWorldSpace( * math.pi, 0, 0.5)

I don’t know if anyone alreaady said this but you could try dividing the lookvector so that it doesnt fully move outside of the previous part

I think I solved it using this code

local magnitude = (pointfront - pos).Magnitude

local bound1 = cf + cf:VectorToWorldSpace(, 0, -magnitude/2))
local bound2 = cf2 + cf2:VectorToWorldSpace(, 0, magnitude/2))
local boundsMag = GetDistanceOfCFrames(bound1, bound2)

magnitude += math.atan(boundsMag) + 0.1 -- This exact line using 'math.atan'.

These small gaps that I left empty are because the parts that make the line are only 10 to make it friendly to poor specs computers.

Anyways, thanks for the help @RunKittenzRComin and @nicemike40