Voice Chat Moderation Needs Improvement

Hi! I used Voice Chat in Natural Disaster Survival, and I said “Oh Crap!” right when I was about to die, and I got the “Remember our Policies” reminder at the top of my screen.

Then I was reading someone’s accessory on their avatar which was the word “BADASS” then an arrow pointing to their avatar. I’ll link the item below:


My question is, why are you not able to say “Crap” and “Badass” in VC if there’s literally items in the catalog that have the word Badass?

Everyone on VC should be over 13, and it’s not words they haven’t heard before.

Now joining a new game, my voice chat was suspended.

I’ve clicked the Did we make a mistake? Let us know. button numerous times and I’m still suspended. Luckily it’s 2 minutes only, but it could’ve been longer or even a permanent suspension.

Badass doesn’t even tag in chat, there’s an item in the catalog called “Badass Shades for Badass Individuals”, why am I getting warned for inappropriate language if there’s items in the catalog that say that word?

I feel like if there’s multiple avatar items with that word, it should be allowed to be said.


I agree if most voice chat users are 13+ then some swear words like “badass” should be allowed to be said.


Like if I removed the bad, and just said the end of it then that would be a different story since that tags in text chat.

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