VoiceChatService in Explorer

I just found something in Roblox Studio’s Explorer called “VoiceChatService”


Was this always there? I don’t remember seeing it before.

I would assume it was probably added when Roblox added VoiceChat, although your screenshot is the first time I’ve seen it.


funny, I literally just found it too.

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Actually, this seems to be new due to the fact that the weekly release notes just came right after I posted this.

I just beat Roblox to it.



Yep. It also seems to only appear in Voice Chat enabled games. I might be wrong but it appears that way.

Don’t think that’s true. My game is not vc enabled to my knowledge and I still saw it.


Really? Hmmmm. Do you have Team Create on?

No, I work on it alone. I saw it while play testing the game, did you see it there?

I’m currently not play-testing the game and I still see it.

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Ok. I think it popped up for me only when I play tested it. I was using a published place file, no team create, no VC compatability to my knowledge. What were you using?