Volumetric Audio (FREE TO USE)

Hello developers!

I’m excited to share with you a new project I’ve been working on. I’ve created a game featuring a volumetric audio system that adds depth and immersion to your gameplay. You can check it out here: Game Link.

Feel free to explore and even copy the game if you want to experiment with it yourself. The magic happens in the StarterPack, where you’ll find the main script. It’s a small addition that can make a big difference in the overall atmosphere of your games.

I hope you enjoy playing around with it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Let me know your thoughts and any feedback you might have!


LETS GOO I really love this volumetric audio it does great in the game named evorooms


If your game has many sounds, then this version of the script might not be best for optimization. I plan to make a new, improved and optimized version of this volumetric audio system. Stabilizing optimization and realism is my goal in the new version.


can you describe what it does and the benefit in words?

If your game is realistic and you want a realistic sound experience then this is the simplest way. In this version of the script, it only checks to see if you’re behind a wall and muffles the sound, and adjusts the sound volume based on how far you are from the sound source.

In the next version though, it will have material “sound wave” absorption so let’s say the part that’s blocking the sound source is fabric, then it will only add a small muffle, but if it’s something like metal then it would be muffled.
As well as in the next version, I’m adding raycast bounce reflections, so it will add reverb based on how many parts each ray hits.


ah, cool, thanks for the details, ill check it out

EDIT: I checked it out and it seems to do the sound more based off of where the camera is at verses the player.

Like here, I am in a sounds dead zone, there is no line of sight from the player or the camera

but if I move just the camera to a line of sight, the player still is in the dead zone

but if I pan the camera near the sound , I hear the sound… even though my player should not.

is that true?

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I thought that using the camera would be more appropriate, although if it really should be where the players head/body is then I can change it to that. I have no problem changing it since both ways makes sense to me (camera vs player head).

yes I agree!

Could be as is or a tunable, perhaps, one way or the other…

For me to figure that out, or notice it, in the demo I walked around a bit,



then I thought it was line of sight on the player to the white balls…

and I hid

behind walls…

and it


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umm… I did the EDIT version and…

  23:40:21.185  Lord_BradyRocks's Place Number: 1001 auto-recovery file was created  -  Studio
  23:40:23.737  [ACTION ITEM] Experience doesn't have permissions for sound asset 16491133121. Click here to grant experience permission to asset.  -  Studio
  23:40:23.737  Failed to load sound rbxassetid://16491133121: User is not authorized to access Asset. (x5)  -  Studio
  23:40:24.099  [ACTION ITEM] Experience doesn't have permissions for sound asset 16491133121. Click here to grant experience permission to asset.  -  Studio
  23:40:24.099  Failed to load sound rbxassetid://16491133121: User is not authorized to access Asset. (x5)  -  Studio

is the sound open source etc…

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The sound was uploaded to my profile so that’s why you can’t hear it, you can replace it with a Roblox free sound if you want, I will instead upload it to the game assets but I don’t think this will actually solve the issue.

ummm, maybe just use a roblox free sound in the demo… I dont know…

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