Volumetric Fog Created by using BillBoard UIS and beams

I made this using BillBoard UIS and enhanced the sunlight with beams. The beam script wasn’t made by me and isn’t optimised so it causes some lag (on mobile), but if you would fix the performance on that it would run pretty smooth.

It doesnt render every light with a billboard UI it uses “cores” that are welded to the player so it reduces the lag.

What do you guys think, would you use it?

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Way too much blur, I would reduce it. I would use this for showcases mainly.


This is really nice and would be an amazing addition to a showcase game! Cant wait to see how you develop it more and put it to use!


you mean to low transparency of the beams and billboard UIS? You could easily turn that down.

just put it higher so you could notice it more.

The blur does not have transparency value it uses size mainly.

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i meant the beams,. Its just my light effects so at this point thats just something else out of topic here

but thanks for the feedback.

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Working on a new sysyem wich calculates ditance between lights and attachments wich have a billboard gui, with the distance as a pecentage we can then set the transparency of the label and get a more accurate volumetric system.