Volumetric Lighting Plugin [NO LONGER UPDATING]

I put this into a converter and it just says “RunService” also if you pay attention you can see that it would have to be RunService either way because it’s using RenderStepped. I decode a lot of backdoors for fun so I have a ton of converters and this is just simple compared to other ways of hiding things I’ve seen.


Does this plugin only work with meshes, or all parts?

The filter is a mesh, parts don’t hit light the same way that mesh does. But rays apply to anything that creates a shadow.

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We need to change the meshid but we don’t have any mesh???


When you apply the filter, a MeshPart is placed in ReplicatedStorage with the name “Filter”. That is the MeshPart that you need to change.

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yes but we don’t have any mesh that we can put in the meshid.
Like, what mesh/meshid we need to put?

So the rays themselves are meshes, but the rays will come from any part (whether mesh or not)?

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Exactly, the rays come from any part.

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Ah ok I understood, thanks (i’m blind omg)

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Hey, I thought I would give it a shot. Sadly, it did not work. Error:


Got it loaded, but I don’t see the effect:

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Hmm… Intresting plugin… But there is a negative to that, Performance.

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Hey! Sorry for the late response. Try updating the plugin. Did you change the MeshId to the specified Mesh?

Yes, I did put in the mesh Id.

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Unfortunately it is quite consuming! I’m working to fix this asap.

Sometimes when mesh is loaded in roblox studio you need to restart studio for it to be visible, try that and let me know if it works!

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it looks good although there is a problem with using volumetric lights in roblox and it is that it cannot be evr in other angles therefore it looks a bit uncomfortable having to look at an angle to see the effect

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I actually already fixed this bug, I haven’t released the update yet!

Update your Addon (I call plugins addons because it just sounds more correct)
Plugins > Manage Plugins
