VortexFX | V1.0.55 - A 3D Particle system for all your 3D Particle needs

The gun is in the documentation free templates.

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freakinā€™ awesome! donā€™t worry about it, looking forward to the fix

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Itā€™s basically done Iā€™m just hammering out a few more things and I still need to update the documentation with a few different changes.
Iā€™d say maybe 2 hours minimum (and a day cause its 1 am) before the changes release.

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Update 1.0.4 - Models nā€™ More

  • Added Property KeepOriginalTransparencies
  • Added Property KeepOriginalColors
  • Added Property KeepOriginalMaterials
  • Added Property InstabilitySmoothness
  • Changed Property Completely revamped Instability
  • Changed Property SpreadAngle from Vector2 to Vector3
  • Changed Free Template Revamped AudioOrbs
  • Changed Free Template Revamped Fireworks
  • Changed Free Template Revamped Fireflies
  • Changed Free Template Revamped BouncyBalls
  • Changed Free Template Revamped AudioWaveform
  • Removed Free Template Falling Leaves
  • Fixed SpreadAngle in templates broken
  • Fixed Models not emitting correctly
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Update: My afterimage works almost perfectly now thanks to the newest update, but I get this type error in the output during runtime.
It leads to this line.

Also, would it be possible to have a CFrame property for the particles so it would be possible to use things like :GetPivot() on ReferenceObjects or CFrame.Angles for their orientation?

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Iā€™ve had the ā€œUnable to cast Vector3 to floatā€ error happen a bit while working on V1.0.4 and I believe I know how to fix it but it might be a little bit before I can work on the fix.

As for the CFrame property - Iā€™m not sure what you mean, do you mean like a method to get the CFrame of the particles?

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Hi, I mean being able to use a CFrame instead of a Vector3 for Rotation.

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I could add that feature pretty soon. Shouldnā€™t be too difficult.

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Update 1.0.5 - Pure Performance

New Logo and Name; VortexFX

  • Added Property; LookAt
  • Added Property; EmissionShape
  • Added Property; CullingEnabled
  • Added Property; AggressiveCullingEnabled
  • Added Property; FocusAware
  • Added Property; RenderDistance
  • Added Property; MaximumParticleCount
  • Added Property; MinimumParticleCount
  • Added Property; AdaptiveParticleLimits
  • Added Property; CullingExtentsOffset
  • Added New Page; Performance Properties
  • Changed Property; Added CFrame options for Rotation
  • Changed System; Revamped Reactive Coordinate Interaction Point (RCIP)
  • Added Free Template; Lasers

Seems promising, are there any videos showcasing it? Iā€™d test it by myself if i was at home, but Iā€™m not right now.

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There used to be videos but not now, all the videos were in the documentation but with the more properties I added the more videos I had to make, and environments were difficult to replicate so nearly every video looked different and it just looked like media slop.

I can make some videos showcasing performance and more, but donā€™t expect multiple coming after.
In the mean time the best videoā€™s youā€™ll get are in the post itself (expand the drop down menu here

umm, why not have an editable game, that shows the examples from your docs of templates?

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Iā€™ve been working on an editable test demo place for a while but Iā€™ve been caught up with life and other real world stuff.

Iā€™m consistently working on one same with a plugin for creating emitters.

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Ok, ā€¦ and editable place would be nice to check out whatever features it might demo.


Like I said Iā€™m consistently making progress on an editable demo place, there are many properties and smaller systems to make sure people on lower end devices can still see and experience the VortexFX systems even without intention of copying the game.

As of right now your best bet is to go to the documentation, that walks you through how to use VortexFX by hand-holding and making sure you can get through making particles.