VoxBreaker | An OOP Voxel Destruction module

I’ve made my voxel destruction similar to yours (before ive seen this i might add) and I’m wondering if we can put our heads together and create somethingh m9ch better like this

fyi here’s my voxel destruction system in action, it isnt COMPLETELY done but its in the works for sure https://gyazo.com/8eba0d686c56c9667a588851e513239d

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Yeah of course, if you’ve got any ideas or suggestions then you’re free to share, or shoot me a dm if you’d prefer that.

Do you have discord? If I figure anything out inside my own module I can for sure let you know, that’s if you hadn’t already done it already lol, also idk if you noticed i edited my message, i included a video of mine in action lol, i started it a couple days ago

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Yeah, my user is bartoken on discord. And your system looks pretty nice, but I can see you’ve also run into the issue of parts flashing as they’re divided.

I’ll add you soon, it has to do with the parts being replaced I’m going to see if there’s any better way to make this system soon :pray:

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what do you think about using this instead of partcache, it seems to be more performant


are you ever going to add onto this to include the destruction of wedges since only blocks are supported

I’d love to but at the moment I don’t currently think its possible. If you need to divide wedges then I suggest looking into csg operations

Lol I reccommended this to him in private messages, pretty silly I didn’t do it here haha

He said he’d look into it

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Hi, sorry to butt into this conversation, but you can try turning off CanCollide, CanQuery, and CanTouch all to false when the Voxel are being created and you can set them back to true after. (this reduces the “flash” )

Also, I don’t 100% have the picture of what you meant when the parts are flashing when they’re created, but I’m guessing you’re saying they flicker by going transparent for a split moment during the creation of the voxel. Hope this helps and also thanks for the resource!

I added a simple part

Using cut in half I made reset time 3 seconds

After 3 seconds part just gone

Is it what should happen?

Voxel Physics vs VoxBreaker? which one is best for games like jujutsu shenanigans?

VoxBreaker, it feels very smooth and in my game ( I am tryna recreate the same jjs destruction), and the voxels js break like the parts were already cut. Smooth as Butter

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quick little update, expect a massive update in a few days. I will be overhauling pretty much everything. @527366 Made some great suggestions so I’ll be implementing those.


Cool! Can you tell us some of the stuff that’s upcoming, if possible? Will you try to implement ObjectCache?

i hope it gonna be the new algorithm or the implementation of greedy mesh :money_mouth_face:

Its a major work in progress atm, but for one I’ve almost completely removed the “flashing”


that is amazing ur doing the lord’s work rn :sob: :pray:


Yoooo, can you message me the file for this, I wanna try it out and maybe look through the code to see what changed.

How did you manage to eliminate the flashing? What’s different than before? And was this with or without partcache/objectcache btw, this seems really cool.

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Ive completely rewritten the logic for the module, and its kind of alot to explain so ill spare you the details for now until its fully functional. And this uses object cache. And I would send you a file but there are some major bugs that im still trying to work out.